
I use my iPad primarily as a platform for digital comic books. Comixology is a fairly good app, but there are also several good cbr/cbz readers. I imagine the case is the same with Android tablets. Regardless, tablets - particularly the 10" kind - are excellent for comic fans who don't mind reading things digitally.

I apologize for getting your name wrong, by the way.

So now Windows users, like OS X users, have to pack for yearly service packs too?

Fair enough.

Winston, I seem to recall that last year you were running Windows on your MacBook. Are you giving OS X a new look, or is this temporary aberration?

Are there any tablets in your life, Tessa?

Thanks for sharing, Alan. I've enjoyed most of your contributions to Lifehacker and I believe it's interesting to see what you use. That said, you have a dual monitor set-up with two computers running into each monitor. How come you use two two keyboards instead of something like Synergy? I used to have a

I had a similar problem. I used AppCleaner to completely remove it; I then downloaded it and reinstalled it. Since I use Googles syncing services, it was easy to reinstall my bookmarks and extensions and now the browser seems to run just fine.

Huh, all of these videos and singers seem better than the originals. Weird.

Active, practicing (and believing) Latter-day Saint here. I'd just like to say thank you for a reasonably fair article about some touchy issues. I was expecting a skewering of LDS history, but this is relatively good coverage that lets readers judge for themselves. This is what makes io9 worth reading, in my

Huh, too bad. I spent a few months in Italy a while back and I remember Vodafone being a pretty decent cell service. But, creative destruction and all that.

Oh, the emergency weather alerts work, but they sure are annoying. I had one of those chirping at me all night during a tornado warning in Nashville. They really need to be careful not to have them go off too often lest they suffer from the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome.

And we should all be absolutely grateful that memes don't change the world because they are often inaccurate, mean-spirited, and not conducive to good public policy debate. The meme used for the image of this article is a case in point. It makes a pithy statement about the rich and taxes and incites the indignation

Somehow I wonder if you would have put "ex-Catholic," "ex-atheist," or "ex-Jew" in your description if you had been any of those. It's startling that you somehow consider a former religious affiliation as some sort of credential. Maybe in the future you just tell us your education and experience and leave political

Before all the Gizmodo commenters begin to claim Amazon's earnings are all about tax avoidance, I'd like to note one major thing. In the United States, the accounting for financial statements of public firms like Amazon is different than tax accounting. So Amazon could very well show large profits on its financial

I hoped for it as well, but it looks like it's going to be original. It'll probably trample over the Thrawn continuity as well, meaning we'll really have to imagine that those stories happened in an alternative universe.

He probably read it somewhere on the internet. That's where most crazy ideas seem to come from these days.

Comiczeal is my cbz and cbr reader of choice. I can't recall all of the ones I tried before finding Comiczeal, but I do recall ComicBookLover being pretty decent as well (the latter also has a good desktop app if you're a Mac user).

VOTE: Amazon Basics Bluetooth Keyboard.

I've actually migrated to digital platforms for most of my comics these days (though I do pick up a print issue or trade paperback here and there). An iPad 2 has seen me through a large chunk of the Amazing Spider-Man (I'm on issue 430). Comixology is wonderful, and there are a fair share of CBZ and CBR readers in