
Fiat currencies like the American dollar, the Euro, or the Mexican peso are worth as much as whatever claim on real goods and services they can produce. If everybody decided tomorrow that dollars were worthless, then they would be, etc. Bitcoins are nearly the same. They are worth whatever people are willing to

I know it is easy to mock the North Korean regime because it failed to successfully launch a rocket and because it has a tendency to produce ridiculous regime propaganda (although it is not the only country guilty of the latter). Still, never forget how murderous the Kim regime is. A recent report from The Economist

There's some interesting trolling going on regarding this article. I'd like to state it here and now that I find his accomplishment inspirational. Dealing with life without either hands or feet must be exceptionally difficult. I applaud this man for overcoming his depression, setting impressive goals, and trying

I thought it was just because we lefties were somehow morally superior. I guess the truth is that we're uncooperative. Oh well.

Accidental double post. Ignore.

Very interesting. Did your father see any combat? My grandpa was wounded during the Battle of Okinawa (and still have the marks from the bullets to prove it); I guess that might be party of why I find it interesting.

Well, Halyburton DID use his body to shield a wounded soldier from enemy gunfire while administering medical aid to said soldier during the Battle of Okinawa ([goo.gl]). That seems like a pretty good reason to name a ship after him. Also, I'm guessing you find the name odd because of the oil company, Halliburton and

Is it strange that I have three services installed on my computer now? 5GB of Google Drive + 17GB of Dropbox + 25GB of Skydrive = 47GB of free cloud storage. That works for me (and yes, sensitive files go into an encrypted dmg file so I can worry less about privacy issues). The only complaint I have thus far is

I thought this as well. Great minds DO think alike.

I love competition. With Google's cloud storage offering on the way, Google's competitors are already trying to increase their feature sets. Some of the changes may or may not be good, but competition is thankfully pushing these cloud storage firms to implement new ideas at little or no cost.

Yep. Those multi-millionaire actresses sure are exploited. <\sarcasm>

Apparently he lives near Moab. That explains quite a bit.

VOTE: Ubuntu (or some variant thereof). I personally use Lubuntu, but I appreciate the whole Ubuntu family.

"The Federal Government really doesn't care about DC at all."

I'm not a fan of the TSA or of the invasive search policies our government allows, but unless the TSA was somehow negligent in hiring or observing this person, it seems to me that the TSA is not to blame for his or her bad acts. Indeed, with 50,000 employees, the probability of at least one of them being a bad egg is

See Matthew 16:4.

I loved the completely random red bikini girl driving by for no apparent reason.

The "vision" of Instagram was to create a tech startup that some larger tech firm could buy for millions and millions of dollars. Then, on to the Cayman Islands! Mission accomplished.

Pope Sylvester II was a wizard. A math wizard.

Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.