
This is very exciting. I hope it presages an untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1 across all devices.

I'm in the same boat. I'm thinking that buying iFile and the camera connection kit might be a good way to increase my storage at this point.

Technically, you are correct that the United States is a Republic, not an Athenian democracy. You are also correct that the federal government was not intended to be as democratic as it has become. However, I believe it is still safe to characterize the US as a representative democracy since most of its political

Quote: "Like soccer, swimming and women's gymnastics, I only care about what's going on in our government and what's happening in the world of politics every four years."

One iOS icon may have more pixels, but I still spent hours as a child on that old Mac using Kid Pix to create works of art. The pixel count may have been low, but drawing on the computer was still a wonder at the time.

The pre-A5 devices should always be susceptible to a tethered jailbreak since those devices can be jailbroken using the limera1n exploit. It took several months after the release of iOS 5 for an untethered solution to appear. My advice to jail breakers is that they wait patiently for an unthered jailbreak before

From my scientifically unsound sample size of one, I believe redheads have a much higher pain thresh hold than the rest of us. I base this on my experience with my wife: she has a much higher pain tolerance than me (except when it comes to cold temperatures).

Uh, I dunno. If all of this is true, Apple does seem pretty underhanded here. Even then, I still have a hard time sorting the equities. If Apple had dealt with Proview face-to-face, there would have been a bilateral monopoly problem. Proview would have been able to extrort a huge ransom for the iPad name from Apple

Maybe because some people feel that the extra desk space gained by closing the laptop and storing it like that in the picture above is worth the trade-off for the extra screen?

*sigh* And this article appears as I wait for Photoshop to download. This is worse than those endless seconds on the microwave...

I should probably clarify my first answer. I would edit it, but Gawker's system seems determined to keep me from doing so. As such, I'm just replying again. You can get the same functionality you mentioned by either (1) installing Microsoft's Mac-native RDC tool (see my other post), (2) using a virtual machine with

Yes, there is. Microsoft remote desktop for Mac is available for free download here: [www.microsoft.com]. They also throw it in with every Office 2011 disk. I used it quite a bit for my previous job liked it a lot.

What order is that? It's obviously not alphabetical or by date of admission to the union. Was this from memory?

Thanks! Such a simple solution. I feel embarrassed that I missed it.

Edit: Did not mean to commemt. Sorry.

Be careful with this one. I downloaded it and added a dock separator. When I tried to remove it, it did not work. I'm still in the process of seeing if this can be fixed.

I knew a girl who was a "native" Esperanto speaker in the sense that it was the language her parents spoke to her as a baby. As far as I could tell, she spoke it fluently. Of course, she also had crippling emotional issues. Since I like irrationally inferring causation from correction, I blame Esperanto.

And the author needlessly misunderstands Adam Smith. Nice. Adam Smith had a point. Compare your standard of living, as a Westerner or member of some other wealthy nation, to that of your ancestors one hundred or even one hundred fifty years ago. The fact is that you probably live in a situation that is

This is excellent news. I rejoice whenever us humans find a way to beat back another source of misery and suffering. Kudos to Mr. Houghton and any others involved in finding a potential vaccine for this wretched disease. I just hope that the FDA approval process finds it as effective as the preliminary results say

I switched from Windows to OS X back in 2007. While I still prefer Apple's offering to Microsoft's, I have two things to say. First, Windows runs very well on Mac hardware. My bootcamp installs of Windows XP and then Windows 7 on my old MacBook were blazing fast (I've since moved to VMWare Fusion on my MacBook