
I hear a lot of comments (only a few on Gizmodo though) about how the Iranians cannot possibly match such a show of force. Certainly the Iranians do not have the capability of projecting power across the world like America does with its aircraft carriers. However, in defending coastal waters, Iran may have a

In my opinion, SBSettings alone is worth a jailbreak. No piracy needed.

I also find that paper books are sometimes easier for referencing important pages, etc. However, the Kindle app* does allow for bookmarking and highlighting. While it's perhaps not as efficient as a paper book, I think it's a price worth paying to avoid having to cary so many large, heavy books. This is especially

I will be much more excited when all of my law school casebooks are on the iPad. My back awaits the day I don't have to lug those monsters around between classes.

I've been using KeePass for a while now because it technically is cross-platform. I just keep the key file in my Dropbox account so that I can use it on my Mac and Windows computers as well as on my iDevices. I also used to use in on my Ubuntu box until it went to storage (new, smaller apartment, etc.).

iCloud has worked fairly well for me. I have a MacBook Pro and an iPhone 4. I also recently acquired an iPad 2. My contacts sync perfectly between them. Pages syncing also works well, though it would be much more useful if it synced with the Mac version of Pages as well. I tried iCloud's calendar system and that

I guess I'll be over at bricklink acquiring the necessary parts...

I'll just throw this out there for anyone who might be able to use it. I updated to iOS 5 when it first came out and have lived without a jailbreak since then. I just jailbroke my phone yesterday, before the recent update. I had many, many, problems until I installed Corona 5.0.1 Untether. If anyone else is having

I'm not sure about the Installous stuff, but if you link your Cydia account with your gmail account, then Cydia should back up all of your purchased apps for you. After upgrading your iPod and then rejailbreaking it, just enter your information back into your Cydia account and it will let you redownload all of your

Cool paintings. That Galactus is quite terrifying. I like the Supergirl one as well.

I still like the Wolfram interface better (and am eternally grateful to Wolfram for being such a good helper back in my Calculus III days), but I think this is neat. It does give me some high school nostalgia as well. It takes a true nerd to remember high school math and its graphing calculators fondly in lieu of

I'm not a comics expert, but wouldn't it be Young Justice and not Young Avengers? A cursory scan of Wikipeida demonstrates that Young Avengers is a Marvel property, not a DC one: [goo.gl]

My iPhone 4 was fine with iOS 5.0. Then I upgraded to 5.0.1 and the battery life fell apart. Some update.

I'm intrigued by the fact that the Arabic map shows so few articles about locations in Iran. I would have thought that an important neighbor to the much of the Arab world would receive more attention.

I was wondering that too. Maybe there is nothing to say about Tennessee - my state- in Arabic?

Yes. My letters to my long-distance girlfriend (now my wife) got lost in that fiasco. Microsoft will have to do a lot more than make cleaning my inbox easier to regain my trust.

I just thought I'd note something. Back when I upgraded to iOS 5, I noticed that my "other" section became huge - almost 2GB huge. I posed in Gizmodo's iOS 5 update thread and another commenter informed me he had the same problem. He also said that he was able to fix the problem by doing a backup and restore, just

I could be wrong, but I think people consider text messaging is expensive because it is pricey on a dollar per bit transferred over the carriers' networks, not in an absolute sense. If I recall correctly, my text messaging plan with Verizon is > $10, but, given the low amount of data the firm moves on its network

Vote: Reeder

Do you have any tips on good keywords to use? What about CPC limits? I'm just curious how you maxed it out so quickly.