
For those of you who cannot get the $75 credit: Sign up for Adwords and then wait a few days or weeks. Google regularly gives out $100 coupons to new Adword customers. I received one when I signed up a few weeks ago and I have used it to increase my Dropbox storage to 11.6GB.

It's funny because I could swear that my iPhone 4 gets BETTER battery life since upgrading to iOS 5. I have a sneaking suspicion that that might be due to it no longer being jailbroken though.

I disagree with the premise that DARPA should not be funding things like this. On the contrary, I believe we are years behind where we should be in flying car technology. According to Back to the Future, we should have hover cars that fly on recycled garbage for fuel in about four years. I believe that anything

I suppose this is an improvement over a completely tethered jailbreak, but I still desperately wish for an untethered solution.

Woohoo, I'm so happy! While Spotlight has improved significantly (at least coupled with a SSD) compared to a few years ago, Quicksilver still takes the cake as an application launcher. I've missed it sorely on my new MBP.

My grandfather was in a hospital, recovering from wounds on Okinawa at this point. However, I believe the estimates of the dead from an American invasion of Japan were something like eight million (Americans and Japanese). In the horrible economy of war, dropping the atomic bombs was the faster and least costly -

You sir, have been hearted.

I post this only because some might find it interesting. iOS treats Newsstand like a folder instead of an app. I suppose the reason for this is that Newsstand incorporates other news apps like the New York Times, etc. Regardless, iOS has never supported embedding folders within folders. That is why Newsstand can't

Yeah, back when I used to live in Toronto I thought, "I know a lot of the ISPs in the United States are annoying/evil, but Rogers seems to be the worst I've ever seen."

You CAN, however, remove the Dashboard space entirely. In System Preferences > Mission Control, uncheck "Show Dashboard as a space." This will make Dashboard revert to its Leopard/Snow Leopard drop down functionality.

Yeah, I noticed that. It was pretty disappointing.

It's a beautiful set, but I think I'll have to spend my money on the new Kingdom's Joust instead ([goo.gl]). Living on a law student budget with a Lego habit is hard. :-(

My hope/fantasy is that the jailbreak community will give us a way to transform Newsstand into a normal app so that I can hide it in a folder where it belongs.

I did the restore and it seems to have fixed the problem. Thanks for the helpful advice.

This is the most succinct comment about this yet.

iTunes shows me how much space various thinks take up on my phone. I have about 4.7 GB of audio, 4 GB of apps, and 0.5 GB of photos. However, I seem to have 2.8 GB taken up by "other." I always had some space take up by this category, but now it seems much larger than before. Did anybody else notice this after

If it included GlaDOS' snarky comments as well I would probably switch to whatever phone had it.

I believe "Safari Reader" actually debuted with Safari 5 back in 2010. Source: [goo.gl] The new feature in OS X Lion was "Reading List." Reading list saves a list of websites the user means to get back to later. Reader cuts down on webpage clutter. With the power of Reader and Reading List, Safari competes

The Beatles DID write a song about the hotness of Eastern Block women: [goo.gl]

I left thinking the episode seemed like the sort of thing you might want to see about midway through season two. It was irrelevant to the overarching (dinosaur) premise of Terra Nova and so it would make for a safe, if boring, "filler" later one.