
My understanding is that using the Gmail client in conjunction with Google Voice will NO LONGER BE FREE after 2011. The Google Voice service, however, that lets you use a Google Voice number in conjunction with cell phones and land lines will still be free (aside from the charges you incur from your carrier/phone

Most of the big model builders use regular Lego parts for these sorts of creations. Some of the parts ARE obscure or hard to find, however. I'd guess this guy found some of those parts at a second hand store at www.bricklink.com or something like that. Regardless, I'd be willing to wager that all of those parts are

Maybe it was just progressive in the transexual sense? The fact that one of the women turned into a man seems like rather radical thinking for the 19th century to me.

Go for more storage. I thought 16GB would be more than enough on my iPhone and boy was I wrong. I promise that if you go for the extra space you will find a way to use and will not regret the decision.

I was never a huge fan of the cult of Jobs but I do think this speech has a lot of wisdom in it. Unlike most "live every day like it is your last" recommendations he qualifies it with the "too many days" line. Basically, in order to live we HAVE to go through some days (weeks, months) that we most certainly hope are

I'm just going to go out on a limb and guess that the height altering surgery would probably be pretty similar to the limb lengthening surgery some people get. It's actually a pretty gruesome process that entails breaking bones on purpose, separating the two pieces, and letting the bone grow to fill in the gap.

I love Growl... but since I've moved to Chrome I find I use it a whole lot less. I really wish Google had gone with Growl notifications. :-/

My understanding is that Mexico City was built on a former lack. I wonder how its water table is now because of this; I further wonder if a building like this could be built with a high water table.

I felt robbed as a kid. I felt like I had all of the social rejection that came with being a mutant but none of the awesome powers.

This made my day. Thanks for posting it.

I think it looked pretty cool at the time. Blackberry design seemed pretty bleeding edge back then. Design trends remind me of fashion: Corsets and ankle-length skirts were once pretty hot items as well.

Oh goodness. This was amazing.

My parents plunked down the money for the World Book Encyclopedia in 1994. Strangely enough it was the CD that came with the paper set that I, as a kid, loved the most (I still liked the books though). It was a CD-ROM! It was high tech! Even then the seeds of computers supplanting the paper encyclopedia were sown.

I have this same problem. It's not a Gawker problem because other Gawker sites work fine for with and without Adblock. Gizmodo though just does not work for me in Chrome. I just boot up Safari for Gizmodo.

Sometimes I can't help but feel that in a biological sense men got a bit of a raw deal.

My late 80's child self thought that Dinosaucers was the greatest thing since Voltron! Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

This is very cool but there is another, potentially more important breakthrough here as well. They let people watch movies during MRIs. I can't emphasize enough how much more bearable that would make the process of having an MRI. Thank you science. :-)

I have a guess on this. The article states that he subscribed to the liberal constitution of 1820 but Ferdinand reinstated absolute rule in 1823. Maybe having a Napoleonic painting was only dangerous for Goya AFTER he supported the liberal constitution.

At the very least it's kind of a "cute way to tell your husband you're pregnant."

I apologize. I just posted a similar thought without checking to see if someone else put it up first. Again, sorry about that.