
I feel like a real winner for knowing the meaning "Manichaean."

Hence why I have been unapologetically ripping my old DVD collection for a while now. I don't torrent and I stream or buy things through iTunes when I can but I refuse to repurchase things I already own. If I want them on my iPhone or laptop then I'm going to put them on there.

There were reports that he did various photo sessions for his book and that as part of that he visited tanning salons and beauty parlors so he could look his best for them. If I can recall the source I'll post it.

I can't speak for the Marxists, but the Keynesians and Austrians would agree with Mankiw . The point he made is pretty basic Marshallian demand type stuff that all those guys agree on. But, you're right, economics is not a science although the amount of statistics, econometrics, and math my economics classes made me

Well, the pilot certainly had a theme. It was that a Greek Amazon can't function in Man's World especially if that world happens to function according to the rule of law.

It's pretty bad. Really. That said, the full pilot is all over the torrents if you're interested.

Ah, I just posted this myself. I wish I had seen your post first. Regardless, I am replying to your post to state that Mankiw has a great explanation and to encourage people who are interested to give it a read. Nice work in posting it.

Economics: Prices are determined by supply and demand. If short-run supply is perfectly inelastic (or close to it) then any changes in taxes will only be revenue changes for producers. In this case that is airlines. Greg Mankiw, a renowned Harvard Economist has explained this in his blog: [goo.gl]

I'm not sure where you were traveling but I was recently in Salt Lake City's airport for a layover and there was free WiFi throughout the airport. It was even reasonably fast to boot. I guess it just depends on where you are, really.

Like many others, I like to catch up on various NPR programs I don't normally get to listen to. Tom Ashbrook's On Point is a great (if somewhat left-leaning) talk show. Others, such as Car Talk are also quite good as well.

I'm excited for this to be released in September but I wonder if it means the end to untethered jailbreaks. After all, Apple has closed some of the best exploits for that according to my knowledge and I wonder if iOS 5 will be even more difficult. Thoughts?

I recall the movie "You've Got Mail." In it, Meg Ryan's small, local bookstore loses out against Tom Hank's big box chain of book stores. The movie was a romantic comedy but it was also about the "creative destruction" of the free market system. However, it's ironic that the movie also centered around an email

Did anybody else have problems?

Wait. I just installed it on my new, 2011 MacBook Pro. It broke all the media controls, iTunes won't launch, and the fans are roaring like crazy. I'm just glad I backed up so I can downgrade easily. Maybe updates will fix this eventually.

My understanding is that a lot of the heaviest armor, like the plate pictured above, was primarily used for jousts/tournaments. Before that mail was a lot more common or at least mail mixed with plate for the shins and arms, etc. The mail was heavier but it was also more mobile. By the time the truly clunky stuff

Very nice. Thanks for this tip as it corrects a minor but irritating annoyance.

My wife and I have been making an interesting cross-country move this summer that has involved us staying in several different states before we finally settle in Nashville in August. Tethering has been essential for us to use our laptops while on the go. It's not incredibly fast but it's good enough.

Actually, this time it was my sunscreen. :-(

I just barely flew from Memphis to Jackson Hole and, interestingly, I made it through airport security with a decently sized Swiss Army Knife on my keychain. I'm glad I got to keep my knife but I guess it's not a great sign I slipped through either.

Yeah, uh, you definitely deserve a star for this one. Actually, it was a very interesting read and I thank you for posting it.