It's really not a good sign when a true Macophile like Jesus looks down on an Apple product.
It's really not a good sign when a true Macophile like Jesus looks down on an Apple product.
I completely agree. I use that skin as well.
Next stop: a minifigure scale version.
Luck of the Fryish actually made me cry. I never thought a show like Futurama could do something like to me, but they pulled at the heart strings so effectively it was amazing.
I love your comment. I wish the "promote" button worked for me but I figure a compliment will do instead.
I think some of the heroes in Marvel's Ultimate series have stayed dead but they, of course, is not main-stream continuity.
iPhoto was my favorite until about three days ago. I decided to upgrade to a larger Dropbox account (without doing more research, sadly) and then to move my iPhoto file over to Dropbox. Very quickly my Dropbox exceeded the maximum storage level. Given that I had over 50GB in Dropbox and only a 30GB iPhoto and that…
1.) This study is certainly more comprehensive than others but I think it's important to point out that it has been fairly common knowledge that the United States has a lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality rate than other industrialized nations for some time now. Just take a look at (I…
As the sibling who watched his sister and baby brother put up with Type I Diabetes I'd just like to say that I find the misconceptions and misunderstandings annoying too.
Environmental factors like the horrible wasting fever that, after almost eliminating my little sister, triggered an immune response that left her with Type I Diabetes? I'm not exactly sure what your comment is meant to imply but I can assure that drinking a lot of Pepsi would probably have no discernible impact on…
I thought it was a great movie. It wasn't perfect to be sure but it felt like watching a love letter to B movies. It was fun and well worth the $10 ticket to see it on the big screen.
Will the personal hacker be kind of like a personal trainer?
I'm going to attempt to use some of my undergraduate knowledge here. If I remember correctly, this is a joint liability problem. It's important to induce both banks and bank users to take a certain level of care to protect their assets. As such, the courts require each party to meat a certain "due care" standard in…
You could always horde cash in your closet or something. If, however, you want the flexibility that comes from using checking accounts to safely store your money will still keeping it in a fairly liquid form then, yes, you need to use a bank. it's your choice though.
The FDIC insures losses due to bank failure up to $250,000. This is a liability case dealing with losses due to fraud.
Is there an actual peer-reviewed journal article to go along with these claims or are these as-of-yet unpublished results? I studied econometrics and math at university so I would be interested in reviewing the methods Nicholls used but I can only find a press release about it. Maybe my poor left-handed self just…
I agree with you on the podcast problem. It happens to me all too frequently but, alas, I suspect you and I are in too small of a minority to draw Apple's attention to the problem.
With true wireless syncing (not the difficult to access kind available through jailbreak) and the ability to use the iPad without a computer I feel that Apple and its competitors have almost brought about the dawn of the tablet computer as a true alternative to laptops and desktops. I would say that they still have a…
There were a lot of problems with this show from the beginning as far as I can tell. However, when I look at Diana in the first picture all I can really say is "wow." She looks like a powerful and interesting character. It just demonstrates to me that Wonder Woman as a character has a lot of potential in television…
I like this desktop a lot. I do have one question, however. Are those the iStat menu icons in the menu bar?