I greeted the news about Facebook's services with a solid "meh."
I greeted the news about Facebook's services with a solid "meh."
@bayXSonic: But we can hactivate in anticipation now!
Gah, it killed my Mail plugins. I should have been more careful before updating.
@christinerobyn: If it's common knowledge it's not plagiarism.
Wasn't there some scientific evidence a few years ago that chicken soup was a helpful could remedy? If not, I guess its delicious taste is enough to justify eating when sick.
@scouts honor: Yeah, I mentioned I do that too when necessary but I generally like to avoid the spiral if at all possible. It's nice to write forward in a notebook and all. Still, I respect your ability to stick with the spiral.
I like basically anything that doesn't have a spiral. I find that if I do have to use a spiral notebook that I end up writing backwards in it because I'm left handed and I hate leaving my hand to sit on spirals.
For me regular exercise is the real trick. It seems like every time
@timgray: Well, a lot of what I'm required to do is accessing a remote server to do number crunching. There aren't too many laptops available that could do some of the statistical work I do in a reasonable amount of time.
I have mixed feelings about getting rid of in-flight wireless. On the one hand, I appreciate the ability to check my e-mail and surf the internet during the long hours on an airplane. On the other hand, it would be nice to have the excuse of "I don't have access to the internet" to tell me boss the next time he…
@Solarusdude: Out of curiosity, how did that work out? Did your firm implement telecommuting days?
@NBK1971: It's always so amusing when this happens.
@5h17h34d: I guess I can respect the decision of the developers to stick to their open licensing roots, but I wonder if their decision about this might hurt the cause of VLC more than help it.
I'm really sad to see vlc leave the app store. After so much to get it in why, why, do the developers have to pull it?
I like the iOS folder icons you used. Normally I don't care for the "app" interface look on dedicated computers, but it works well in this instance.
I can confirm that this works pretty well in Ubuntu 10.10 with the default Ambiance theme.
Great workspace, but I have one complaint. Is it me or does the page of the book seem like it matches the office TOO well? If the owner of this workspace did that on purpose it seems a little contrived to me.
Great workspace, but I have one complaint. Is it me or does the page of the book seem like it matches the office TOO well? If the owner of this workspace did that on purpose it seems a little contrived to me.
@ColbertForPrez: I usually use iTunes but I've had success with Audible in the past. I say go with whatever service has the book you want for a reasonable price and will allow syncing with your mp3 player.
@NeoAkira: Here here. Checking the system profiler is fine, but coconut batter has nice bar graphs that help you understand your battery's issues even better.