Ah, thanks to all of you for clearing that up. This makes a lot more sense now.
Ah, thanks to all of you for clearing that up. This makes a lot more sense now.
@ColbertForPrez: If you haven't read anything by David McCullough (1776, John Adams, etc) then I've found he makes great audiobook reading. He reads his own books and has a voice more soothing than warm butter.
You know, I've found that even a simple iPod can provide hours of entertainment while running/biking/elipticaling(?) on stationary machines. I made it through Lost and have listened to innumerable books that way.
This should be helpful in getting iPhoto back on my Mac. I don't know why that program decided to give out on me, but I'm done with Picasa.
If I may ask, why exactly would someone want to generate Lorem Ipsum text? Is it just for looking at how text looks when laid out?
Thanks for this! I've been meaning to do a good contact cleaning recently and this was exactly what I needed.
Not to be picky, but I'm pretty sure the phrase "money is the root of all evil" is actually from the King James Bible:
I've never found Twitter all that thrilling #twitter
I actually like the cross-platform list because I actually use multiple OSs for different computers. Thanks for the comprehensive nature of your reviews, Lifehacker. #softwareupdates
This post has finally convinced me to begin my slow but steady migration to Google Voice. Thanks Lifehacker! #googlevoice
I think it's probably safe to say that many of us here are online almost all day because of work. That'd probably throw our average numbers higher. #internet