
Yep, it’s the length of the (second) kiss that I found odd.

This! Their bodies are their own and if they are not feeling it let them be. It’s hard though when they are aging out og the cuddling.

Coercing your 11-year-old into “paying” for use of something with a kiss YOU deem worthy is not “playfulness” and “teasing.” I pity your kids if you don’t think they have bodily autonomy.

And the fact is, Brady is going to get PI/Holding calls and Bortles is not. It’s not fair. But Rodgers, Big Ben and Brees would have the same advantage.

I always wonder what Jessica Biel thinks about this. It’s so weird for a grown, married man/father to keep making digs about about a girlfriend he dated 16 (yes, I just looked it up on Wikipedia) years ago.

There’s nothing that says “classy” like dissing your teenage ex for no good reason. Keep on keeping on, JT 🙄


“These photos don’t look good”?

Yes, it’s the woman’s fault for all of this. You’re totally right.

And you could mind your business, sheesh.

And you could mind your business, sheesh.

Luther’s on another level. This is insanity.

I don’t think he passes for R&B. I think he passes for a weak male Adele wannabe nowadays. The first album was more like weak Paul Young to my ears. Nice videos, though.

Boy George is way prettier, howdareyou!

Looks like Boy George, sings like Michael Bolton.

Comparing Sam Smith to Luther Vandross is absolutely insane. Sam Smith isn’t even that good of a singer. I hate the fact that he’s what passes for R&B now. His maudlin, whiny tunes are strictly adult contemporary.

Baltimorean here! I am not the biggest fan of Miss Shirley’s, but the shrimp and grits is very good.

Why am I feeling so attacked before noon? And I don’t even live in Baltimore.

As one of those Marylanders who doesn’t fuck with Baltimore, even I’m insulted by this.

I’m gonna pretend to not be insulted by that.

ahhhh fuck yes Miss Shirley’s! It’s one of the things I miss most about living in Baltimore. And you went to the right location, too. If you’re hanging out later and want the best crab cake in town, it’s at Koco’s on Harford Road, like less than half a mile from Morgan State.