
Yeah, this has a distinctly non-consensual feel to it. She is literally there as a requirement of her job. Kudos to her (i guess?) for being a good sport about it but it feels real yucky to watch the video of enormous men wearing face covering goggles drenching a single, totally unprotected woman with alcohol.

If there is a baseline between exuberant celebration and disturbingly degrading behavior, these videos are a slow roller toward first that might not stay in fair territory.

Kinda feels like they’ve never seen a woman before. 

There’s been a lot of talk about extra “context” and with this documentary people making Michelle Carter, the woman who got all of 15 months for this... to be the victim. Here’s why I don’t care to watch this documentary and have zero sympathy for her. I’ll let Michelle Carter’s actual words to a suicidal person do

The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.

I am honestly really surprised/confused that people think not celebrating a birthday well into adulthood is weird/handwringy! It’s fine. It’s normal. A lot of people don’t like being the center of attention. We aren’t sitting at home sad.

Absolutely. B appears to be well taken care of, loved, and kept in the home she knows. This in of itself is a huge accomplishment.

I have family members living with Alzheimer’s right now and this disease is f*cking horrendous. Oftentimes, the majority of care falls on one person. (My aunties hair fell out in clumps from the stress of caring for her mother)He hasn’t abandoned her. He is loving and caring for her the best way he can. I’m glad he

I would go a step further; they’ve found a way to endure a terrible situation in a way that keeps them as together as is possible under the circumstances.

Hear, hear.

I refuse to judge B. Smith’s husband.  If you haven’t lived it you have no vote, opinion or advice to offer.  

I have a hard time believing that any assistant would think that saying, “You’re too fat to have a custom dress” would “cushion the blow” in this scenario in any way.

Personally I feel perfectly fine judging the shit out of Christians until they prove they aren’t the racist, homophobic hateful kind.  

That’s my fucking son you’re talking about, bud.

Yep. I was put on a medication several years back that made me so nauseated I couldn’t finish most of my meals. Sometimes a slice of bread was too much, and I’d have to start my breakfast, put it away for awhile, and then try to finish the damn toast. I got down to something like 113 lbs. People complimented me like

Drake texts a 14 year old girl about boys, while also having a “friendship” with a 16 year old model who he may or may not be dating now at 18 years old.

I hope the good things she has done will still carry weight”

I absolutely do not root for cousin greg

false, you root for Cousin Greg