
i wish it was danny brown instead of rick ross on this song.

Drinking at an organized gathering of coworkers isn’t a party. if your boss is in attendance, you’re still on the clock.

I think trap is suggesting that for people searching how to drink responsibly. Non-alcoholics don’t have to worry about ‘limiting’ themselves....for the most part.

If someone tells you they think you have a drinking problem, I dare you to try and explain how you *don’t* have a drinking problem without sounding like you have a drinking problem. It just can’t be done.

I would do the opposite of whatever the Mormon does.

But see, that’s the fatal flaw with this advice: nobody wants to hang around drunk people UNLESS you too are also drunk.

I need at least two drinks to even think about GOING to a party.

2 drinks sounds like the appropriate thing to do in a professional setting or around family, but if you’re around friends etc isn’t it kind of acceptable to have....I don’t know? Twice that?! I’m a small girl and can have 4 glasses of wine before anyone might think that I'm tipsy. And alcoholic makes people feel more

for crissakes. i’m in my 40's. i quit weed, can’t find hash, quit pills and powder. 15 drinks is all i want. and you want to take 13 away.

So why should I stick to just two? You don’t really say why just that I should only have two while being socially awkward about it. If I need to drive or be somewhere early the next day then yes stick to one or two but if I have a ride/taxi/uber and everyone else is drinking and enjoying themselves why would I stick

It is my hope that I will have a similar attitude towards my marriages.

Same here. My tolerance is pretty high. Drinks 1 and 2 only prime me for the mild buzz Drink 3 provides, and Drink 4 ends the night with a wonderful buzz-but-not-drunk feeling.

This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.

It’s not a battle. What is wrong with you?

Gj replying to the troll. His comment is now #2. This greys system really works.

You should be locked up.

Help me with this, please—has Frank Ocean only had one album? I have only heard one, and though it was fine, I wasn’t wowed by it in a way that explains how crazy with anticipation people have been over his next one. I feel that way for, say, Janelle Monae or Andra Day. What am I missing?

She’s Britney, bitch.

I don’t know but I think it’s pretty low to call her a walking benzo.