
Oh we can get even more whitebread. My family’s go to American sandwich was white bread, mayo, and iceberg lettuce. Crunchy, moist, doughy, nothingness and I loved it!!!

My dear Kelly, you have not been specific enough in this otherwise lovely homage to my favorite food. You must use, and ONLY use, Duke’s mayonnaise in your tomato sandwiches.

My humble suggestion is that celebrities should wear fashion designers on the Red Carpet.

In their final moments on earth, these poor girls were fully aware that their own mother was going to blow them away just to spite their father. On his birthday.

Hear me out on this; is this really worse than women that drink while breastfeeding? You drink, you wait, you pump and dump, you’re golden. She just misjudged her time frame in the extreme which is a shame. But if she’d done this with alcohol would it even be news? Also don’t fucking concern troll me, I’m not

Which one’s the pizza?

For clarity, is she eating him or barfing him? In my mind she is eating him because that is what the Swifdiddle does (it is Swifdiddle - that is the correct name and I do not move from that incorrect spelling - that’s what she’s doing to him pizza or no pizza). And I could not pick him out of a lineup. Does nothing


I love you thank you for doing this this is making my life worth living right now.

I’m in Rome too right now! Tom and Taylor looked so cute at this authentic pizza place we were at. I know it’s an invasion of privacy...but I snapped a quick pic of Taylor! It’s crazy how REAL they are-just like us. And in love. Look at Taylor’s smile : )

I like how Demi rants about this stuff, as if she is so morally and intellectually high and mighty. Get off your high horse, girl. Celeb gossip pays your fucking bills.

STFU Demi.

“Maybe it’s that Tom Brady is so FUCKING CLASSY and such a FUCKING GENTLEMAN...”

Damn, gurl, I guess everything IS about you, lol.

If she knew what he was planning, she’s complicit. I have a learning disability. I didn’t know it absolved me of accessory to murder.

Honestly, the US didn’t deserve the Obamas. The crap we put them through was shameless, and they handled it with such poise and grace. Also, yay, National Parks!

My wife gets the Top Ramen.

60? 31? Ew.

You are the opposite of terrible. Kids are terrible.

This made me think of this lustful woman: