
What is this “when used sparingly” nonsense, Jillian?

What is this “when used sparingly” nonsense, Jillian?

They took it down because their only source was a satire website

Please stop with this misinformation. At best, you are being incredibly dramatic. Being unwilling and unable to stop things are incredibly different feelings.

She is a truly stunning talent. I was fortunate enough to see her with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra last year and it was mind-blowingly good. Like, the entire time I could not believe how amazing this show was that I was seeing. LOVE her

Or, you know, people might just care a whole lot less about this story than you do because of real life and stuff?

That’s how I took it which is EXTRA dickish. Jesus, what a douche.

I failed drama class in 11th grade.

Every fucking summer they find a blue lobster and every fucking summer every news outlet and blog covers it as if it’s never happened before. In the words of Sammi Sweetheart...STAAAAAHHHP

The morning show I listen to played them at the same time together and they are indeed very similar songs. I find it impossible to hear unless they’re layered on top of each other so I’m sort of amazed Gaye’s people even heard it.

I vaguely remember a Rolling Stone interview he did that made a lot of people hate him. I think he maybe came off as self important or rude but I can’t remember specifics. He seems perfectly fine to me, I loved him in Wolf of Wall Street. Le shrug.

Hahaha YES I totally forgot that he has a micropenis!!!

I’ll be honest I have never understood how people could find her funny until this video. I died laughing. I get it now!

Dude what is it about Duke’s that makes it SO FUCKING GOOD? I almost wish I’d never tasted it because every other mayo is GARBAGE to me now and Duke’s isn’t easy to get in the Northeast

This said I am not eligible for this sale and that it’s only offered to select customers :-(

This said I am not eligible for this sale and that it’s only offered to select customers :-(

Before a workout I spray dry shampoo around my hairline, where I sweat the most, and then put on a moisture-wicking workout headband. As soon as I can after my workout I get to a hair dryer and put it on the cold setting to stop sweating and dry out my hair. Usually I can stretch a blowout for at least 4 days this

Someone had to say it

I just used this on a 10 hour red-eye flight last week and it was great!

I just used this on a 10 hour red-eye flight last week and it was great!

Fly free, baby!! You can do this!

It looks like Ralph Lauren summered on the Eastern Shore of Maryland with a bunch of lacrosse bros before coming up with this

Please do not waste one second of your 20's worried about aging. You are living the dream right now, appreciate every second.