
I don’t know why I’m having a bit of the old “hoax” feeling with this thing. That sure is a great way to raise money. Maybe I’m just having a hard time believing anyone would be that offended by pretty colors in someone’s yard?? Ugh. Jimmy Kimmel has ruined me.

I like this!! I don’t like anything but I like this!!!!!

That is super weird! I love this stuff

That is super weird! I love this stuff

Batiste Dry Shampoos! The spray is tinted in several different shades so you don’t have to worry about your hair getting that tint of white!…

Batiste Dry Shampoos! The spray is tinted in several different shades so you don’t have to worry about your hair

I didn’t take my husband’s name and he still gets shit about it from his guy friends years later. Guys are weird but you are not!


What is T Swift even doing hanging out with Ellie Goulding after she broke her little ginger friend’s heart? I can’t keep up with all this shit!!!!

Holy shit I remember that movie!! I think we watched it in school, too.

I’d fuck him. Wouldn’t vote for him, but definitely would fuck him.


Elizabethtown is seriously one of the worst movies ever made and yet, if it’s on TV, I will watch that shit every motherfucking time. Why, God? Why??

Alright, Clover. I’m usually with you but this is a reeeeaaaach.

I WANT TO MAKE LOVE TO BOTH THIS SONG AND THIS MUSIC VIDEO. Holy fuck, you guys. Hoooly fuck I love this.

I don’t think of it as hiding or editing if it’s just never come up. Some people simply don’t care so they don’t ask.

I watched the show last night (I know, I’m sorry) and when Iggy won an award with Charlie XCX she like hid her face behind her hair the whole time and seemed to not want to look at the camera. I guess this is way!

My dog was a “bridesmaid” in our wedding. She was perfect and some of the best pictures are of her. I’m really glad we did it, she ended up dying suddenly six months later and its nice to have so many great pictures of her in our wedding album. Probably seems silly to some but she was such a huge part of our

Ok, this is bad and terrible and what is she even going for with that fake ass accent?
