the supercars are there just for PR purposes, but methink this truck might actually be used in the dunes.
fake steering wheel?
as in, a steering not connected to anything?
yeah they passed the law a few years back, I think.
that’s exactly why it shouldn’t be classified as an improvement, its an obligation.
Most of these things are actually improvements: adjustable suspensions, traction control, active aero, VVT, dual-clutch (let’s not start THAT debate, though...)... But the marketing way’s of rolling everything into one big package and listing every single change as an improvement pisses me off.
Touchscreen and SYNC and…
...Sarcasm doesn’t convey well on the internet.
I’m more miffed at the fact that they are putting it on the presentation like it’s an improvement.
Same goes for SYNC.
I’m more miffed at the fact that they put it in the presentation like it’s an improvement, honestly.
WOW, I always found that the last GT lacked SYNC, a touch screen, steering wheel switches and TPMS!
...If we wanted these things we’d get an Escape.
The first one?
yeah, it was designed to rob you of every single penny you had in your pocket.
2nd wasn’t so bad, you could actually do a race without Game Over’ing.
I’ll go with Outrun 2.
Yes, the first one is the OG, but this one had more car, graphics didn’t age terribly bad, soundtrack was good, and the Arcade version were super fun.
Or to stay in concept, a bigger, better rotary:
And the worst part of it is that when they will axe the manual in a few years (because of course they will, they will say that there was no demand for it.
I think it looks good.
and so does a lot of people who actually buy bikes.
Oh yeah, definitely.
Riding it is probably the worst part of owning it.
Though I suppose it doesn’t go out a lot; it’s more of a display for the shop that built it.
to each his own, my friend.
I’d ride that before a sportbike any day.
(not sure if it’s actually rideable, though. that front wheel is huuuge)
Oh no, they simply moved on to lowered baggers with huge front wheel:
No Polestar?
If you want a sexy new Volvo wagon, might as well go all the way:
... This is actually a great idea.
It wouldn’t provide any downforce, and it would be heavy and generally shit to drive, but I love it nonetheless.
Does everyone else in the NASCAR team has to do the same thing (mechanic, pit crew...) ?