
I read this, sitting at my desk, loathing the next bite of Asian sesame chopped salad, having been up since 3am because for yet another week the fiance decided coming to bed before then was not a FANTASTIC fucking idea, and wondering why the hell I’m doing this at all; the whole fucking thing. Maybe this wasn’t the

And here I thought Zola was capitalizing on her 15 minutes.....

Mr. Torgue is second only to this little jewel:

My hands hurt just looking at this.

My hands hurt just looking at this.

I was waiting for this one. Nicely done.

If trapped, eventually the fire would definitely damage the brain. They seemed fairly controlled where they were, with just a few slipping out after basically ripping half their body off to do so. It just seemed like the easy way out to create drama for the season, basically ignoring everything that made the

A. Fantastic username. High fives.

This episode pissed me off. Maybe the writers need to watch Game of Thrones or something else medieval. The way the walkers were shuffling around and bumping into one another, it would have taken just a few well placed flaming arrows to take out the collection of walkers. Additionally, fire spreading would not be a

I skipped the Aramark fare and opted for the slightly more delicious cardboard Quesarito. Brownie still looks much better. Dammit.

I blame Brownback. Works for most things in this damn state.

Itsa Me! Mario!

I don’t think Mike Huckabee has ever really read the constitution. Like, ever.

Whew. Glad I wasn’t the only one who read this as if it were beer.

Nothing at all irrational about being angry about that.

Even the model is all “what the fuck?”

(Hey folks, I get the difference. Feel the funny.)

And now my reality comes caving in because I agree with a Fox News Anchor.

I cannot star that comment enough. You’re doing god’s work.

How does a woman decide to be Republican? I really just don’t get that. Does party affiliation come with a lobotomy?