
“It looks to me now like sex with an unconscious person is, by definition, rape. I hope this wouldn’t happen, but this opens the door to it: an individual has sex with their wife while she is unconscious — or he, the only other way around, if that’s possible, I don’t know. But a prosecutor could then charge that

My exact thought!!

Western Kansas can solve all these problems. Free land (I saw the sign driving from KC to Denver) and wind farms. Seems perfect.

You’re part of the problem.

You’re part of the problem.

I’ll give that a shot. Thanks!

They run to the new room (this is outside of an incident) and then go back to where they were. Not sure why but I’ll try the clipboard thing mentioned above. Maybe that will solve it. They don’t want to hang out in the barracks either if I drag them from a work assignment there. I might just start a new vault later

Thanks guys! I’ll give that a shot tonight. Agreed on the small screen bit...

I must be drag-challenged then. My guys keep running back to where I put them to start. Oh well. Thanks!

Can you reassign dwellers after you’ve given them an assignment? I haven’t seen where to do that if it’s possible.

Kansan here. Wish this was our state’s biggest problem.

I forgot I had this on my very old Myspace!!! Relevant because your pic. :)

Here is my presentation, they should show this:

As someone whose name is routinely misspelled by close blood relatives, I don’t see this as awful, just a mistake. Hey, he tried.

I cannot stop laughing at that picture. Maybe because the person who drew that has more talent than me, or maybe because it’s the end of a very long day, but that is awesome.