
"You know what, I've ready too many books about autism."

And the elderly, and infants, and the immunocompromised.

Anti-vax people are assholes. There are a certain percentage of children who cannot get vaccinated because of allergies and various medical issues and thus rely on herd immunity to prevent contracting shit like the mumps and measles. Not only are the anti-vaxers putting their own kids' at risk, they're putting these

Wait. How is swishing oil in your mouth doing anything with your migraines? Because I get killer, evil, chronic migraines, and am willing to try an assortment of stupid things to deal with them.

I was kind of afraid the series might end this way, and I hoped it wouldn't because it would make me really REALLY angry. Not because I think the series has to have a happy ending, but because I think it would be trying to shoe-horn gravitas into the relationship without having to do the actual work of... you know... s

Ted and the kids are dead. Mom's the only one alive.

Can we talk about how cute Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez's acceptance speech was?

"Adele Dazim." Nailed it, Travolta.

Every single thing that went wrong tonight was because of Travolta's absurd and hideous toupee.

Yeah I was so confused by the "Adele Dazim" thing. Is that a different name she goes by? Was he speaking in a foreign language? Did he have a stroke? And then I realized it was probably just a mistake.

I'm pretty sure Mike Lupica wrote this exact piece about the World Series being on too late back in the 1980s.

So you were into beards before they were cool?

I kid, I kid.

But Barbie was an astronaut and a doctor and an executive and a figure skater and a ballerina! She should be raising her intelligence and getting all those degrees and hitting the ice/barre if she really wants to be like Barbie.

Now playing

How many fucks does Emma give? Zero! Zero! I tell you. And I love her for this.


as a Duke grad, I can tell you: all of them

Oh my. My post was a very sarcastic joke about the Babysitter's Club, based on Sara using the characters in her answers. Apologies for the confusion.

"I'm very comfortable in my decision to cut my ex friend out of my life (she betrayed me in a pretty terrible way and then got upset that I was hurt and angry over said betrayal), but I don't know how to get all the way over it."

I understand why its important to expel fake photos but on a similar subject, what the hell is up with all these comments that American journalists are just spoiled and should be quiet about their rooms. Does Russia deserve no criticism for its handling of Sochi with the corruption and bad preparation.

Yeah I felt it was really taken out of context by people who have no idea how programming works or why this question could be an important learning exercise about programming uses for social justice issues. I agree it could've been presented with more warning and made a choice within a couple assignments rather than