
On the off chance that there’s still someone out there not buying this game because of the combat, I’m speaking to you when I say this. Traditional turn-based combat (FFI / Dragon Warrior I) is my favorite combat system of all time, but the combat in FFVIIR absolutely r u l e s. Seriously, just try it.

I freaking loved the Rufus fight. that shit was heading towards DMC. Really hope they can somehow justify another fight against him somewhere down the road.

I got into an annoying argument with someone about Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn that started with “a woman can’t do all that stuff” (which I attempted to counter with the triple threat of “no one can - it doesn’t have to be fully realistic” and “some women could - Aloy is one” and “it’s a video game”)
But it was all a

I dropped a Samus into mine! I did a ton of pixel art in previous AC’s, it feels good to have it back again. The newest editing tools are a lot more convenient, too (the Luigi hat is also custom).

Even assuming the more nuanced translation is the correct one (and I’m willing to give Kojima the benefit of the doubt here), this still isn’t a good look.

Part-for-whole fallacy aside, the “you just don’t understand it” excuse always reeks of pretentious horseshit. It is entirely possible for an individual or group to

The part where Jesus breaks the cross and uses the parts nailed into his hands as gauntlets of sorts is what’s selling me on it.

Right? I smell an internet petition...

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Children of Morta is coming next year and has a new trailer. Revealed back in 2015, the lush pixel art roguelike is a procedural game focusing on single family. Think FTL meets Bloodlines. We might be awash in these types of indie games at the moment, but I just can’t resist some damn good pixel animations.

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Fun way to play the prisoner’s dilemma.

Must you always put spoilers in your e-sports related article titles? Especially results of major tournaments. Why not something more like, “Smash 4 EVO Finals Goes Down to the Wire.” etc. And then you can proceed to spoil it in the actual article. That way people will at least know to not read the article and at the

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Tooth and Tail, an RTS by the folks who made Monaco, is coming to computers and PS4 September 12. Here’s a new trailer.