
Took me until hardmode to understand Valkyrie. But when i did, it got to one of the easiest bosses for me. A friend of mine struggled pretty much with it (as i did with other bosses) and every boss comes down to how fast you get a feel for its weaknesses and mechanics. 

Arsenal was the boss that stood out the most for me and brought everything to the table: You had to figure out his main mechanic, which expanded throughout the fight and you had to use cover and positioning. That boss was really rewarding.

Yeah, that akimbo stuff in the air reminded me in an instant of Bayonetta or DMC. :D

Rufus is a totally satisfying boss battle, i loved the 1:1 bosses in general, but Rufus was especially fun, once you learned the small details. And, oh boy, hardmode is where its at. You think you know him? Guess again!

Barrett calls him lab rat dog at the beginning and when they get surrounded by shinra troops lead by Heidegger, Red names himself lab rat dog , too. :)

Thank you for your insightful writeup. As someone who differentiates, i have no problem to like the works of a talented development team and despise decision of higher up “suits” in that same company, simultaneously. But i can understand that such a situation leaves you shocked and in an emotional turmoil. When i read

Secret of Mana is , without the shadow of a doubt the most important video game i played and its melee combat is vastly underused. I have never again played a better hybrid of turn-based and real-time combat (Transistor came close, but also had its issues). This is something they really could have improved on further

But open world games are not inherently bad. It is just my opinion that a lot of those game stretch their gameplay by inserting road blocks (gear-checks) that have to be solved by grind.

The glorious illusion of “Wow i got 300 Hours of playtime for my money!” Not realizing that 80% of it is tedious WORK and not FUN.

It sounds like what Rising Thunder tried to do, before it was bought by Riot. I will wait for Radiant Entertainment to release the game that they are now making for Riot. Even if it is a LoL-Fighter (never cared about LoL9 ) , i am convinced they had their vision right. I experienced the Alpha and i have to say that

Now i have to think of Miyamoto beeing the guy that always appears in the most ambiguous situations where he turns away and thinks “Strange westerners...”

Someone already wrote it, but i wanted to underline his statement: It would be nice if you don’t spoil the outcome of the tournament in your headline. It would be great if you put a link into you article that links to the best of 8s or the Grand final and then write about the game. I watched Tekken 7 Top 8s and BB’s

Yeah, it is indeed something special and i wish it would be something she really wanted to do. Then again, the elections for our federal government and also for the chancellor are just 4 month away. As such, it is also for her campaign.

This is what you get if you hype yourself by a rumor. I hoped for something like stars but i did not take it for granted. It is ok, i can wait a bit longer.

ARMS really plays awesome and fun with motion controls. I enjoyed both Testpunches and always had the feeling for more. I am really excited for the release!

Yeah, could it be cologne? Looks pretty much like the cologne cathedral in the background to me

Noooo, Nintendo! My Wallet!

I originally thought of the songtext of the 90's dancefloor track “Sweet dreams” from “LaBouche”. What did i stick in YOUR mind? What song? =)

Sweet Dreams of rhythm and dancing.

THIS IS EXACTLY MY STORY, TOO! The answer to the riddle was not difficult , but getting the blood moon. This shrine was the last one i needed and after 2 hours i consulted the internet and read that you can speed up its appearance by killing stuff. So i raced like a blood thirsty berserker for two ingame Days through