
I think it is a natural evolution. As a kid, i played all my Platformers over and over again and after a while i looked at the clock how long i would need or checked the ingame timer when i went from one screen to another. And it was really satisfying to get best times after a well executed playthrough. Glitched runs

Seems i have to check out that soundtrack a bit more. That track is really cool =)

I also was kinda surprised when i heard the Windfish theme in this remix. I really like that track but i am curious why they chose the windfish theme.

I also like that they went for an arabic touch. This really fits Ganon(dorf) and his arabic-like gerudo origin.

Molduga fight really tickled down my spine for its music. Allways when i saw it i went for it just to hear the music. This song together with the Guardian fights, Tarry Town, Calamity Ganon 1&2, Hyrule Castle, Hinox Battle, Standard Battle and Kass’s Theme where my favourites in BotW. I also liked the approach of the

Did not buy Destiny one, but this was a really great and convincing trailer. Convincing in the way, that they really nailed what they wanted the trailer to be. I really like the Voice Acting. So many gaming trailers want to be cool and badass but are just ridiculous.

I am curious how they will handle the tention in just one movie. The thing that kept me most interested in the anime (at least the first half was decent) was the tention between Light and the other characters. The anime had the time at its hand to make it really intense. A movie will feel a lot different, but lets see

I must say that i feel a bit different about FE:H. I played it every day since launch and with the new inherit skill update, there is so much to do. Every hero counts , because you need them to give skills to your most valuable. This means leveling more chars to unlock more skills you can give away. Also the

As a physical therapist myself, i searched time and time again about the development of physical therapy in eSports but never found someone that does evidence based esports physical therapy. Thank you very much for this article! I will keep an eye on Miss mcgee’s research

Its only flaw was the power jack for the charger. My GB spent half of its lifetime with the cable wrapped around its casing in the perfect angle to not turn out.

I don’t know how things in the US are, but in Europe i can send my unit back until 14 days after Amazon ships it. Also, someone buying it at a store can. So they would have to delay the embargo until 14 days after launch. As long as i don’t hear such stuff , i guess there won’t be anything foul.

Dark Souls 3 confirmed?

Excactly! This is mostly because you learned a lot by the tutorial and some sparring with a friend, then realise that your Brain(the stuff you WANT to do ) acts faster than your fingers and got all the timings and moves wrong. Lastly you develope your muscle memory and take off!

Even if you have a slow class, parrying sucks a lot of stamina from your opponent if your opponent used a heavy attack (75% stamina and even more on a Shugoki ) But parryies then again have the disadvantage that you can get baited into them because your opponent can cancel their heavy attack into a light attack whitch

That also struck me. The only similarities are their clothings and i liked especially the visually distinctive cast. Some people seemed to have missunderstood the meaning of the poll.

And don’t forget Heavy cancel, hyper Armor, unblockables, parry, counter attacks... I am sure i even have forgotten some more mechanics...

I played BE and was excited at first. I just did not like the grind-events where you had to farm dungeons all day. The first ones where boring, the events later just made my whole team useless.

Bartre might not be the top tier unit , but his “pull ally 2 squares” skill is insanely good for surprise attacks or escapes.

Nintendo’s game design is at best here once again. Everything is centred around moving and positioning. So there are no extra active skills, but you have to know the passive skills of yourself and your opponent. They can move characters or give boni/penalty for beeing near them.

I played tons and tons of the first Dissidia on the PSP and really loved it. Before Dissidia i played a lot of fighting games rather casually (mostly smash melee) but Dissidia got me motivated enough to look deeper into its mechanics. I loved playing as Zidane. If the gameplay is nearly the same in this new version, i