
I also don’t like horror games for exact the same reason: I can’t get any enjoyment out of this. At least when i play alone. With more people i can dig it. I also don’t like horror movies, unless it is mixed with comedy or it has something special. I once watched the japanese movie re:cycle and i just watched because

I was pretty happy with my 5* Liliana on my first roll. I did not know that character before, but she leveled into a killing machine. I think rerolling is not really necessary in FE:H because in Special missions you get one hero every day that you can unlock as 1 or 2 * version. Just need to level them a bit and it is

I owned all three of them and beat them all. I was kinda disappointed with DD3 because you only had two modes: easy and impossible. The game was easy when you just used the one move that knocked the enemies to the ground ( i think it was the jump kick, in DD2 it was a shoryuken) and made the game easy. Punching and

I am not sold by what i have seen of the combat, but otherwise this could be quite interesting if they manage to give you different play through experiences for every character and quest.

The interesting thing is that the trailer mentions “Permadeath ?”. I wonder what the question mark means. Maybe your death has some other game-augmenting meaning.

I vote for Ultra Magnus. I just had a few Transformers comics as a kid, but i was impressed how UM sacrificed his life against Galvatron. This is one of my few memories when i was very young and so it must have been something important to me. Rodimus Prime was in this comic too, but i don’t know if he was responsible

Why are people never happy? It is totally fine for me to buy the switch with Zelda. This will keep me busy for days and days and after that, the bigger Dark Souls 3 DLC launches. People nowadays have more than one medium to play games on, so why bother if there are not 100+ Games at launch. The Super Nintendo for

I am sure that doll is wired. I saw that wire for just an short amount of time when in hit Del Torros foot

I wonder how the photoshop contest ever could vanish from Kotaku. I always love to see the results on sundays!

That was also part of my decision too. When i see such an amount of quality put into a product.

Yep around 10 hours, not counting the time you need to find all secrets and coins.

That’s what i thought too! =)

I had a discussion with a friend of mine just yesterday about games and price tags. I can understand that 25$ Dollar for a 8-10 hour playthrough (but it seems like that not all secrets have been discovered just yet) is off-putting, especially for people that have to think about which game they can spend their

Maybe those details would hurt 3DS and WiiU holiday sales. Especially the future of the 3DS is a bit misty. I even was surprised that Nintendo did a reveal before the holiday sales. Still, i think the Switch is meant to take over the console , handheld and mobile market. Let’s wait and see.

Or maybe the new Diablo project. Not long ago, according to some Die Hard Diablo 3 gaming youtuber, all the job postings for the new diablo project vanished. Maybe he was one of the last added to the team. Like the job postings suggested, it seems to be likely that it will be something different than an ARPG.

Yes, i played RT and i was a bit sad that when they pulled the game. I don’t play LOL but i would play a fighting game made by Radiant.

So basically: Rogue Legacy - Steam Edition.

I loved Final Fantasy tactics advance! Played it to 99% (i had no clue where to get the last items for the last 2 or 3 quests). Also , the soundtrack really stood out to me. Thank you for reminding me!

I am glad that i downloaded the Another Metroid 2 Remake and Pokémon Uranium on their release-days. Nintendo does not waste any time...

Wanna know if your friends cheat? Gift them a game!