Yeah, there a definitely different types of spawnpoints. But this makes it interesting. Also , you can use the pokevision website for active spawns. =)
Yeah, there a definitely different types of spawnpoints. But this makes it interesting. Also , you can use the pokevision website for active spawns. =)
Ooops. The german version of a cubone =)
PS: Conclusion: When you find a rare pokemon. Try to bookmark where and wait an hour to note when it spawns. It should spawn every hour. (But maybe rare spawn points have different spawn-intervals)
I can confirm that i have a rare spawn point where exactly every hour (6 minutes after every full hour) i get a rare water pokemon spawn next to my house. I am certain that there is at least one more rare spawn. I know where, i just have to track down its time. Should check my diary , when i caught the Tragosso...
Personal Skill is just impossible to judge. Noone plays all characters equally good. And in some matches your teams strategy will work , because it counters the opponent-team, and in some matches it won’t work because you are countered. Do you adjust and pick a different character, whom you can’t play that good or…
Finally some Duelyst Coverage! It was about time!
I am quite sure that this will be a redemption story. I just saw the world record speedrunner exe playing all god of war games and i liked how Kratos’s violence and rage escalated more in every sequel which made you as a viewer/player feel more and more unconfortable with him as a person. Especially that end battle…
There is a video by Juutas1988 , where they extensively tested the poise stat. The ONLY benefit seems to be that there are breakpoints where you can’t be staggered while you are in the rolling animation (the part where you have no i-frames). They also said there might be more benefits but they weren’t sure enough and…
I really like the idea and art-style. I also loved Bastion and Transistor. But i hope that some of their work for Pyre’s release date next year goes into polish. The flow like the Walking animation for the medium guy and the Jump animation of the big guy seemed so out of place for me. I am not quite feeling it yet. I…
Did not know that timesplitters was centered around humor. I really dig it, thank you.
Loneliness... That is the feeling i get when i watch this video.
Anyways. Virtual Desktop is something i would definitely get for VR.
“From the next quarter and thereafter as well,...”
So , that makes a minimum of 2 quarters = a half year. Thus, it could still be at the end of the year. But in place of Nintendo i also would not confirm such rumors, to prevent loss.
Digital Homicide gone way to down that rabbit hole and they are going down deeper and deeper...
Two or Three months ago, Blizzard was looking for devs to work on their “Classic” Titles. So i am not surprised by this patch. Also, Diablo II’s speedrun at AGDQ 2016 had gotten a pretty good reception over all. (Because Gamers that don’t like glitchy runs hadn’t something to complain about here)
Still, such longevity…
I don’t use the words “I am sad” quickly, but this really makes me sad. I checked the development of the game from time to time because the idea and presentation was really great.
I don’t play hearthstone , but i love watching new blizzard trailers. Really liked the voice actress!
I roughly had 2/10 Ragequitters. But i remember that my first two games ever played immediatly where against RQ’s.
While it is frustrating, i think what frustrates me the most is the low battle count that i have per hour... I takes far too long to find players ( even in the low ranks , where i am.)
Was this the same…
Which guild was it? We where also quick to pick up the dkp system. I can’t remember the Server name , but our guild was called “Botschaft des Schicksals” and we where on the same server as the more famous guild “Darkwind”.
No offense, i just don’t get it. (Maybe an insider? ) What is so special about this burning windmill?
This looks ( and reads ) great!
I played every final fantasy and while i loved ATB/TBS in the past, it feels dated for me. When i return to games like FF VII i adore the story, but the combat feels more like a chore. I like games that do a twist on TBS combat. Even Seiken Densetsu II / Secret of Mana began to work on…