
Ok , guesses please. What will the season pass cost to watch this event online?

Casual Luke at a party.

I fully understand your position and if you read this TB: I deeply appreciate your content and work for the gaming industry and its consumers.
Thats coming from someone that also gave up to be vocal on the internet for the most part.

Wow, this contest had so many great entries. This will be hard to top.


That link is great work!

What i also like about the series is, that it takes time to draw parallels to our society in which only beautiful and stilish people get recognised. (Sceenes with Sweet Mask ). That is one of the big points why noone beliefs Saitama , because his appearance isn’t that of a hero.

The thing is, that the series takes its time to draw parallels to our society in which only beautiful and stilish people get recognised. (Sceenes with Sweet Mask ). That is one of the big points why noone beliefs Saitama , because his appearance isn’t that of a hero.

Dragons Dogma! Great Game , great Port.

The one thing that kept me away from finishing FF IX after i had to stop it for a move, where the long battle downtimes due to loading time. If that high speed mode is related to loading times and overall faster battles, this would be glorious! I want to finish the game!

This one was indeed the biggest killer in this... ehm... remake. =D

In one of their artbooks, the one which spans all the Zelda games, Nintendo themselves even made some SF concept arts.

I actually put a lot of effort in writing an article about the idea that the next Blizzard Game could/should be a 2D Fighting Game. That market has still some growth potential when you look at the numbers.

Entomb is a meta pick when a team plays Leoric in a single-tank comp. Because this is a way to compensate for your lack of heroes in the front line to block the enemies potential to get into your back-line.

The funny thing is: He also was in their big Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Beta Show. Andre Schürrle plays a lot of shooters and mostly Call of Duty. So this interview has got to be from before the Bo3 Beta, because i think Sofia also had been in the crew of the Beta-show. =)

Well i never had the slightest interest in superman. But i REALLY dig the design of this one and although not much of his personality is shown, it gets me really interested for more.


This is a shame. SBH puts a lot of investigative effort into his videos. In fact he does the best investigative journalism job in gaming IMHO. I am quite curious how this will turn out.

I like the idea and presentation of this game. If they do a sequel or someone else a spiritual successor and get the gameplay more interesting this could get a great IP. That Bossfight introduction was a bit pathetic in the middel when the boss talked about “her” (too theatrical) but the beginning and the end of the

Yeah, you are right of course. =) I just meant this regarding to the texture-quality and the character model detail.