
Good ol trusty patches. =P

I just love the design of that Character! I hope they will use it in a game.
I never had this thought before but this is the moment where i think graphics can´t get more beautiful than this.

IMHO Paid Mods aren´t the problem (i guess this wasn´t what you were implying with your original-post, Luke). I think what would make most people more comfortable with this model would be a bigger and more fair share for the creators and make the payments optional. This is my own opinion and something i heard quite a

I now watched the whole fight and i think although it seems to be chaotic, many strikes and parries were well anticipated and it is clear to me that it is more than a series of random strikes and parries. I think this is really appealing and has some nice shield-sword-kick combos going.
Depending on the importance of

Dark Souls 2 does the same! I think... hmm... got SSD ... everything so fast... can´t remember...

You are so damn right! I died so many times because of mini map clicking. I was really suprised that i didn´t find an option to deactivate it. OO

I totally understand TB´s point of view. I doesn´t matter how his coverage of Titan Souls would turn out, people would use this incident to blur his statements. This is why , many wouldn´t (or would pretend not to) believe it to be a critical appraisal even IF he did. TB does a great job to give a fair coverage to

Well, then we beat a hard game the even harder way. =)

Yeah, i saw videos of that pursuer stab (when his sword turns blue) where people where teleported into the sword. I also had this issue in the DX 9 Version but it seems to have gotten worse.

I played the hell out the orignial DS 2 but i haven´t noticed much difference. I don´t mean by that, that your statement is false. I even thought that the bug is gone after using the Grand Lance for a very long time without to repair it excessively. But maybe it just has a high durability?

You give a good reflection about my feelings in my new playthrough. It isn´t harder, it all makes more sense.
SPOILER: I liked the Dragon Knights not attacking but bow to you instead. (I am sure they will attack when you attack the dragon)

I actually think that it isn´t perse more difficult. They even decreased some difficulty spikes of the original DS2. But Earthen Peak now is a real bitch if you aren´t carefull.
You also fight the double headed Horse Boss one more time in Drangleic Castle.
I really enjoyed the remix. They added some balance

About the meaning of “humanity” in Dark Souls:
The first Miyazaki game i have played was Dark Souls and right after talking to the Crestfalling Warrior in the beginning felt great because of the way he suggests what humanity is in this world. The sentence “And the quickest way, although I’d never do it, is to kill a

I did some testing with murky in "Try mode" and if you let him multistack slime on you his damage gets ridiculous !
Furthermore Murky got a nice buff last patch and will make it easier to get his combo done. If you understand him and use his bubble well in a teamfight to get the slime stacks on the enemieteam it goes

Well, i would say that the main difference between a third person hack&Slash or Spectacle Fighter and the Souls Games is that the mistakes in Combat wil get you punished quickly and hard. If you are used to game mechanics that get you control of the enemie after the initial hit, you may be getting problems with the

I like the dialogue of Sonya and Valla when they are on the same team at game start. It goes kinda like:

Valla: "Now, that two of us are here, does this mean the minions of Hell are getting stronger?"
Sonya: "My Blade dearly hopes so"

Trigun! Definitely Trigun! It really contributed to how i perceived the characters. Also, the manga is quite confusing because many drawings are blurry and it is hard to follow some scenes. Especially the action-scenes.

I was talking about Barbarian the other day when a user in another Forum asked: "Do some of you guys remember Bavarian? That old C64 game where you could chop of heads?". Well i replied and asked him if the Characters in his game wore Lederhosen...

They showed a concept art of a Diablo map a few months back. It looked a bit like the corrupted heaven of Diablo III Act 4. One half Hell, one half heaven.

Or when people try their hardest to read between the lines you wrote and make up a meaning you weren´t talking about in the first place. (i don´t trust my english-skills on this comment enough, so here is an example:)

- Me: " I am not comfortable with the decision of Mr. Obama"

- Annoying person: " YOU RACIST!"