
When people are watching me play Overwatch and say something like “wow, you haven’t died once”, it’s basically a death sentence.

To me, 12 was the final bullet to the series for me.

Awaiting the Ninja Turtle DLC before it activates.

There is just something about the SNES era that ages so well. Sprite animation can just be timeless, once we jumped to 3D aging got a lot harder. I can go back time and time again to the classic Square games of the era Chrono Trigger, FF IV, Mana, ect while it happens a lot for games like Final Fantasy VII or Parasite

Oh boy. The blood moon shrine was one of the things in the game that really tested my patience. Sat there for an hour making fires and waiting for the clock go to midnight and finally got my blood moon. When I finally got a blood moon the signs were showing at like 11 pm game time and I was all butthurt I wasted so

To everyone who says this was meaningless, I posted this in the private forum early on: