
My convection oven has an “Air Fry” setting. The fan runs more than it does in convection.

Apply the same logic to a game that actually has loot boxes.

How soon before we need to start “unbundling” streaming services?

I’m scared of needles. I take my son when we get our shots. I tell the pharmacist that I’m scared of needles, and they tells me it’s gonna be ok and that it won’t be bad. I get my shot. Then, my son gets his, after seeing that I was scared of needles, and that I still got the shot even though I was scared, and that it

How do you stop a kid acting like a “Let’s Play” youtube screamer, narrating every single thing they do and responding to every single minor thing with excessively exaggerated responses?

A chicken pot pie isn’t a casserole. A chicago style pizza is similar in construction to a chicken pot pie.

Let’s hope this guy gives real honest answers and not memes.

If you talk shit behind your friend’s back, and your other friend tells them, who’s the one in the wrong? You, for talking shit, or your friend for ratting you out?

I raised an eyebrow when “Fish” was listed. Then, I read the source article and saw they were talking about a 20 gallon aquarium with some goldfish...

I’m going to disagree because white always looks dirty. It may be more common and it does have a bit of an advantage on the sun heat issue.

I went through a lot of trouble with self-measuring and ordering various inexpensive pairs of glasses before I got this right. It is significantly easier to just ask your optometrist who has proper tools to measure this.

I was just commenting on the fact that the game itself tries really hard to steer you into using split joycons.

I was just commenting on the fact that the game itself tries really hard to steer you into using split joycons.

I’m of the bourgeoisie and have two grinders. I have a burr grinder that just gets coffee, and a blade grinder that grinds spices. I picked the blade grinder I have because you can remove the grinding cup and put it into the dishwasher. If you only have a blade grinder and you struggle with cleaning it, or you have a

9 Easy steps!

This bundle doesn’t make sense, considering that Odyssey recommends joy-cons to play...

This bundle doesn’t make sense, considering that Odyssey recommends joy-cons to play...

I am a fan of quartering the bird before cooking and then handling the parts separately.

The best way to combat scalpers is to wait until you can walk into a store and buy one.

The best way to combat scalpers is to wait until you can walk into a store and buy one.

Barkeeper’s friend and a toothbrush can get your can opener clean without the soak.

Wouldn’t it suck if every sneakerhead had to like the same shoes?

Wouldn’t it suck if every sneakerhead had to like the same shoes?

The best way to deter the gray market is to not buy from them. Wait until there are plenty in stock and you can walk into a store and take one off the shelf.