
I’m talking about Marvel movies. The franchise is always about a singular hero, or a group of heroes. Every single movie has to raise the stakes on the previous one.

I would really like a D&D series where it was a collection of one-shots with different parties doing loosely connected adventures that all come together in purpose as a finale.

Eff them. Rock-A-Fire Explosion for life!

I much prefer the “Miniseries” models over the weekly episodic model. I remember when we celebrated netflix for abandoning the hard limits to episode size and started showing each episode as long as it needed to be. It’s important for storytelling that the story be able to set its own pace. It shouldn’t require a

There are legitimate reasons why Tiktok can be dangerous to American Democracy. But, those reasons also apply to American owned Social Media platforms as well.

It’d be a pretty compelling story to see Batman kill and spiral down and eventually realize he’s no better, or possibly worse, than the villains he is fighting. Can’t think of how the redemption arc would go, so might not be that interesting. Ultimately, I think it would leave an irredeemable Batman, and he’d have to

Nintendo would have been beaten long ago if they tried to build a powerhouse console to compete with MS or Sony. It would have just been a fight over who has the most exclusives, and MS and Sony would have shut them out of everything that wasn’t Nintendo IP and that wouldn’t be enough for them to be competitive.

An IP can have as many “canon” versions of the story as the creator is willing to write. “Canon” simply means that this is the creator’s intent, not the product of fanfiction.

You are producing content that other folks are interacting with.

The purpose of this site isn’t to uplift smaller Twitch Streamers. The purpose of this site is to drive clicks. You’ve clicked, and even commented. You might have even told your friends about how stupid Kotaku is because they post these asinine articles about variety streamers.

No, I’m not.

I’ve played plenty of D&D, and I’ve had a lot of different characters.

I would totally be down for an actor coming back, but playing a completely different role.

It’s a struggle to describe what I have in mind. IMO, the characters in the movies should be used for a movie, and discarded. Give them a cameo, but never make them a lead role again. The world is the main character, not the party.

Definitely make another D&D movie.

Elon should play himself. Make it double weird.

I got no problem with their opinion. I can understand how they would think the way they do. The line between “mod” and “cheat” can’t be drawn at a technical level. It’s all about intention. A reskin of a monster could just be a stylistic choice, or it could be meant to improve the monster’s visibility or pinpoint its

Other companies HAD done it before. The Switch itself was basically a copy of an NVIDIA reference design with wiimotes tacked onto the sides.

The Switch is a super conventional design. If you remove the controllers it’s literally just another tablet.

This sort of design would be pretty bad for the couch console crowd. I guess they could go the Wii U direction and add a tablet to the controller, but hopefully Nintendo remembers how that went.