-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

Give this man a medal. It's rare to hear such truth, and a well educated, experienced opinion on such a sort of taboo subject. People are always, far too often, ready to jump on the band-wagon with all the other generic sheep out there.

I'm all over that.

I remember my dad having this on a floppy, with his oldskool laptop, back in the days when I was about 6/7 years of age... He also had the first ever SimCity made on floppy! I also remember how the metal clip on those floppys came off when I tried pulling out the floppy from the drive one day, hence breaking my

Surely, without an increase in energy, they would continue at a constant, but not increasing rate, of speed.

My thoughts exactly!

Is Justin Beaver molesting that poor robot man's pee pee...?! Can't robots live in peace?!

Malwarebytes! Like a Boss! Other than a regular scan with this, I use MSE. Run's in the background without hogging too many resources and works great..

Exactly! I feel your joy! :D

But for comedy value, it's hilarious!!

You have to get a HDMI cable.. The gaming experience, for me, is so different with HD. It's like something else, if you're still playing on SD.

I'm not being serious, although it wouldn't surprise me; bored house-wife with too much money and far too much time on her hands.

So what's different about this compared to the original; I can't help but think this looks pretty much the same. Obviously this is just a snippet of the game, but you can kinda tell, right. Graphics look a little nicer; for an out of date console ;)

...having no life!

It's the same woman that has the most GamerScore.

She's got no legs!!!

Not that I give a damn, but the link doesn't seem to do anything for me; browsing via Chrome..

Over-opinionated retard

haha.. Hey. I am english, and I can not even speak my own native language properly... :P