Article mentions Reel Big Fish twice. 10/10. First band I ever saw live in concert many years ago.
I’m usually an expert at eyeballing ass, but I just don’t see it.
VirtualBox allows you to create a virtual machine that’ll run Windows, and that’s about it.
It's a fucking game man, if anything it'll take away the chances of doing it irl :P
the deepest house in the Seven Kingdoms
God fucking dammit. Never posted on Kotaku before, but this lack of controversy has sufficiently irritated me enough to have to editorialize.
Fuck. This. Noise.
I didn't even know of this woman an hour ago, and i'm already sick of her shit. I read her tweet where she showed the "death threats" she got, and it's a…
Twitch Streamer - 'You guys, I don't know why, but nobody seems to be donating me money anymore.. But I can now make 100 rounds of toast at a time! Thanks Amazon!'
Ayup. You can buy the Kindle Fire but you can't buy apps for it.
So instead of donating cash to a streamer, you can now gift them a toaster straight from Amazon?
I'm the lead engine developer. I honestly didn't do it for any kind of political agenda or to make any kind of statement. I did it because the Sega Dreamcast was my favorite console growing up, and I literally taught myself how to code C and C++ just to develop games for it. It launched my engineering and game…
In the larger towns and cities, maybe. I live in London and have a nice, reliable 50mb/s fibre optic connection, but where I lived before I could only get ADSL because there simply was no fibre optic - and every ADSL connection I've ever had has been terrible, thanks to our Victorian-era copper wiring that simply…
For a real world reference point - where this technology (DWDM) is used out in the real world right now (Service provider networks e.g. AT&T, Verizon, BT) the capacity is 8.8 terabits, and it costs hundreds of millions of dollars to achieve that capacity. Point to point.
This tech will never be your internet…
The original isn't Aeris or Aerith, it's エアリス, which transliterates directly to "Earisu," but which could be a transliteration of Aeris or Aerith, because there isn't a "th" sound in Japanese (and "-su" is typically used instead).