MGS is more than just MGS1. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I just think yours is jaded.
MGS is more than just MGS1. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I just think yours is jaded.
I came to the comments to, just to Kudos the RBF mentions! Seen them a few times in Belguim, in Europe. Along with all the other awesome punks bands the USA has bred over the last 30 years :) Fuck yeah!
Think I’ll have myself a Beer.
You’re a moron.
The only person with the issue here is him. His daughter is not of an age where she has such mental connotations with with sex. This just outlines his insecurity with his sexuality, if you ask me.
I have a daughter. Enough things we do together make me feel awkward where she doesn’t batter an eyelid, simply because my…
‘3D Prison Architect, OK guys.
333DDD Prison Architect!!
And there it is, Prision Architct, in 3D’
I’ve been replaying Pokemon Yellow this week! On an emulator on my phone! I haven’t even thought about Pokemon since I was 13.. I’m 27 now, and have just recently watched all the first 2 seasons ok Pokemon Indigo League. I was only into the oldskool Pokemon, la originale, but now I’m starting to explore the next…
Seconded. Whether the statement is in context of the article or not, you just canneeee bloody say that man.
Nice bit of PR. That guy probably got lucky. I wonder how many people have not got a response from Gabe.
Just saying Warcraft IV makes me happy! Yes please!
Man, for me the beginning is always the most exciting part! Something completely new to learn and experience. Maybe RPGs just aren't for you?!
Twitch Streamer - 'You guys, I don't know why, but nobody seems to be donating me money anymore.. But I can now make 100 rounds of toast at a time! Thanks Amazon!'
I can't help but feel like we're going to be made to pay to watch anything and everything from now on? Hopefully I'm wrong! What do you guys think? Still going to be a free service? Maybe it will actually be a plus for the streamers? More revenue?
'Now, I don't even look at the achievement list when I drop a new game into my Xbox One.'
Had a little chuckle at this sentence :D
Kudos dude :) Kicking an addiction is no easy feat. My hat comes off to you.
I bloody loved the Dreamcast too! It was so ahead of it's time. What an awesome console.
Fuck the haters. Sat there doing nothing creative, just hating.
Kudos to you brother! Keep on being awesome!
Dude, you're talking utter bullshit. A simple request has been made. Why are you making such a big deal out of it...
First off, I reffered to the US as 'your country,' as I assumed this is where you currently live. Not because of your nationality, which has nothing to do with this.
I'm from the UK too.
I live in a small rural town of 40,000 people. I pay 35£ (~60$) and get 50 up/50 down, on a fibre connection.
'awwwwwwwwwwwwww' much internets!