-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

@nipsen: Don't go name-calling man. Not goooooood.

@ElephantFace: I understand, and I'm 100% with you on that.

@Batman: I liked your comment, alot. It made me fucking hungry.

Comment by Ninelight is an instant winner for me. The time i've spent thinking about the same thing; how fast life really can change, how a big part of your life may just not be there tomorrow, and if I could accept it, or more how I'd take it.


@orijimi: Goes without saying ;)

@Tatsuya: They can't kill your Xbox. But yes they will banned you from going online with the MAC address of said device.

@excaliburps: Well if you want to use your PS3, then you're going to have to aren't you? xD

@ElephantFace: It's not just about pirating games. Jailbreaking the PS3 opens/opened up many additional features that the PS3 hardware can be used for; Linux OS, which is damn cool. If you've never used a Linux OS you should. other features are emulators for the ability to play PS2 on the PS3, which is fucking great,

@MSUHitman: You will be next time you try to play a game.

Freaking Hunters!

@Jaysunli: District 9 was supremely awesome sci-fi film for me. It is actually the film that got me fully into sci-fi, although it's possibly as far away from sci-fi as a sci-fi film can get, but just the whole concept of it made me really realise how possible it could be; the universe is infinitesimally

@NoLongerMySelf: You is talking a load'a bullshit like man innit.

The 'right' time is going to be when Halo:Reach sales has been sucked dry, they've maybe released another game, which they said they wouldn't, (but also never clearly stated if this was true) and there's no more money to be made from Halo games.

@KaMai: You forgot the drains! Have you ever tried to ride over a drain... Impossible xD

When I was about 15/16, so like 6 or 7 years ago, I took up a job as a paperboy; at least I rang up and enquired about it, and was left waiting to here to the result of that phone-call. So a couple of days later I get home to a fucking mountain of papers at our front door. The agreed wage for this was 5£, which even 6