-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

Boooo Hisss. This is insane.

@AFcakey: That sounds pretty fucking funny, whatever it means xD

@Mupp: Yeah, but I bet they're about $140, in comparison. I'm not a fan of WoW at all, but there are some really nice murloc ones out there, and other pretty nice designs.

@Metalive: I noticed this to. LOL.

@beachgaara: I'm going to have to agree. There is a slightly vacant looking expression in his eyes.

@Mattwdr: You're a fucking murderer! What were you playing on there then, eh? Pokemon!? Those spiders really bugging you xD

@Fexe: I heard he shops at the Kwiki Mart. That's the obvious cause here.

@YummyCyanide: I understand exactly what you mean. You hear it on every news report about someone who murdered/raped/mugged somebody else.. 'Yeah yeah, that person was a good person...'

@Rahsten: And turn black?! xD

@Raijinvince: I know. Seriously? I read the name and thought.. Well jeez, what did you think?

Lol. I'm not at all surprised that Turbine refused to comment. So this guy went out and commit some heinous crime, and then went home and played DnD, and suddenly DnD has something to do with this.

Halo Reach 8)

Can not wait to play this! .. Legally 8)

Hahaha! So funny 8) Loved Snake as a cat, funny expressions