-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

@Muel: Jesus, I loved Cannon Fodder 8)

@CharmeleonWithAttitude: 'You talking to me?'

@Beeezy: Actually yeah, fuck that, Preemptive Strike, Private Press, and In Tune and On Time was also rockin for me.

@puzl: His music has been too different for me to enjoy since Entroducing.. I agree.

@Ward117: Can't say I have, unfortunately.

Giving up the Ghost, DJ Shadow?

@AikenIdin: Funny you say that. I'm British and I understand what you mean, I see people so it all the time, and it's like this attitude everyone has of wanted to be served/waited on, so fuck them, they're getting paid to do it, I can just be an asshole.

Should have just been police officers fining people on the spot for this, £50 a time. More money for the local council. Deter careless pricks from ruining landscapes.

@Konstantin Art: A little 'ott,' but I'm probably just as passionate.

@Bobz: God damn it man! They can fend for themselves!

@lonewanderer: You make a valid point. A rare occasion in this virtual universe.

@Bobz: Don't feed the trolls, please.

@george9807: LOL. You're awesome mate. The fact that you can speak for the whole of the UK. Jeez, you must be a really important person.

@Furyia: I'll second that buddy.

@Fenrar: It's the best FPS I've ever played to be honest. And I've played them all.

@lonewanderer: Yes, because your source is bound to be 100% accurate compared to anyone elses.