-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

@AncientUnknown1: Which is the obvious, and easiest solution, instead of being 'the next guy' to post on the internet about how, 'Every time i try to play MW2 i either get Americans telling me to go eat crumpets and drink my tea or little kids singing....' You know, just as an example.

I love playing MW2. When I do, I play in homage to Vince and Jason xD Obviously..

@MrSnuffles: Love that. Made the same point yesterday about the British Defence guy flaming MOH.

@Ossidiana: Yeah, jeez, Miranda was a snotty little cow in ME2

She's definitely up to Miranda's-ass-standards 8)

@NeVeRMoRe666: I never knew turtles could be so interesting. Those be some cool turtles.


Think I'd rather stick to good ol' fashion will-power, self-respect and self-control; thank you very much!

@dracosummoner: It really depends. Did you enjoy playing Far Cry 2, or maybe GTA4? I've got Just Cause 2 and I've hardly put any time into it; I just found it really repetitive. It's a sandbox game though, what can you say, you know; you've done one mission, you done them all. Story-line isn't up to much either.

@Swirlbeard: I'm probably not going to by it to be honest; I was just being difficult 8)

Well I'm just going to get around it by leaving the game when I get selected as a Taliban-y player...

Some really awesome pics. So jealous; wish I was there.

#1 #2 #6 and #19 So fuggin awesome! 8)