@PuffyTail: This might seem like a silly question, but when your in your posse then, is it possible to all join the same match together?
@PuffyTail: This might seem like a silly question, but when your in your posse then, is it possible to all join the same match together?
@Tk42OnE: That's what I wanted to do with the posse. There seems to be a lot of them on the map. I was hoping it was going to be a big open world where people can drop in and out and you can meet up with your posse and go gun down another teams posse.
@reno84: I agree. The combo is my choice of playing. Gamecubes controllers are a must really.
Red Dead Redemption- I finally got in a game of multiplayer last night! After a few nights of trying.. And it really wasn't worth it; they went on about how it was going to be a revolutionary sandbox multiplayer game, but personally I thought it was really bad.
@Fernando Jorge: Lol! .. I think you missed the point my friend. The association of pirates in this case was nothing to do with video-games.
@Mlata: ugh, the wheel sucks ass...
@Shin: I'm no fucking druggy... Grrrr FUCk OfF xD
@mrpibb79: +1 !
Hey, Steve Pope... Why don't you fuck off.
@ifandbut: Oh yeah?! Hey that's pretty damn interesting.. I'm going to look into this. I'm actually the same; I've always had really bad trouble sleeping, and I put it down to video-games, seeing as I've played them since I was like 4, I couldn't seem to switch my mind off, even now I mostly play video-games or…
@Newestname: Bahh hahaha! Wasn't expecting that xD
@Duuuuuuude: That's pretty damn cool, and creepy!
@Jouen: That video, is fucking awesome! xD hahaha
Dreaming! ....Who would need drugs?
@Ebyam Jeep: Haha! Yeah the Yorkshire accent would kind of ruin it a bit.
@PigletLUV: I'm in the UK, unfortunately.. Well as far as it goes for TV anyway; British TV is fucking disgustingly shit. I'll have to look it up on the inter-webs though! xD
@PigletLUV: I have really good things about the The Wire; from respected reviewers and a close friend of mine.
@Ebyam Jeep: Angelina Jolie??
@Kiaza: Michelle Rodriguez is a really terrible actress :P
@Amber Elliott: Who do you work for, just out of interest?