@kbot707: I agree. I Am Legend was really really poor.
@kbot707: I agree. I Am Legend was really really poor.
@Benjamin Linus: You're a god.
@Tpadz: Yeah, that seems to be the general consensus over the net.. Greedy bar-stard! xD
Loved it. Was a bit like emotional porn though, but it was fantastic. For me after all that, all the great adventures that has been had though the years and all the bonds, not to mention the nostalgia in the last episode!! it didn't need some sort of big mystical answer... Just like life you see?
I would take that many photos also. Damn she is FINE!
@Andrew Wyatt: Ha! A license to breed! xD I like it Andrew. If only; the world may not be so populated with ignorant scumbags. Oh yes.
@Big_Boss0715: This is true but not people are lucky enough to have a good upbringing as you clearly have, and good influences surrounding you. People do what they know; if you are young are you are surrounded by aggression and violence, and you haven't go a good foothold on morals from either you parents or someone…
It's a good statment I think. Someone needs to remind these parents what there buying their kids; so that we don't see another headline about how a kid went out joyriding horses, and skinning his cat because his parents bought him red dead redemption xD
@Odb718: maybe you should just take your copy back or something
@06RallyBlue: Ok. Well what your saying is a valid argument. When, on the other hand this, which is what I was referencing in my comment, isn't, " Odb718- I swear. It's like M$ and $ony PAY the devs to release shit discs so you HAVE TO HAVE online to get a playable version of games these days." It's double negative in…
@Hamsteaks: Ha! I love it. That's going in the library. ;)
@Pixel Breaker: The fight the Big Boss was beautiful, in that meadow. The End was the sniper fight in the jungle! How can you not like that?! xD Uber intense!
@Odb718: Lol, chillout fanboy.
@Sam fisher's a aimbot: If only! xD
@Pixel Breaker: For a start, I don't think I ever mentioned MGS4 being better than MGS3.
Good man.
My favourite franchise. Snake is my fucking hero. The ending of MGS4 was awesome, yet really quite sad..
@billysan: Haha! sweet
That's one hell of a scarecrow. I tell you, stick that on your front lawn at night, there aint one coming near your house xD