
Are we talking good shit or just Baskin Robbins?

I think you buried the lede. You should cover the fact that Blake Griffin is slowly succumbing to his zombie bite.

If somehow this leads to Sterling being forced out, I will dress up like a woman, seduce James Dolan, record everything and pray he says something racist.

He reacts the same way whenever someone plays The Shins.

And yet he's still better than the other delivery guy in town, who keeps throwing rock.

Aw, look at all the Little Caesars.

I have to be honest, it's a little tough for me to feel bad about the guy potentially losing millions when he's got that giant cracker fortune to fall back on.

I've heard of incentive clauses, but if he can run and catch and make plays out there, who really cares what his ass looks like?

Just remember ALL FLOPS when you hate the man's game.

I was surprised to see him enter the game when Brooklyn had a lead as his specialty is coming from behind.

Guess what, he plays for the other team.

If he really woke up like that, it's the worst case of Shved Head I've ever seen.

God, how embarrassing. Waking up in a Timberwolves jersey.


Standard comment about assholes who don't eat like I think they should, followed by nutritional expertise that I overheard somewhere. Accusation that people who either do or don't eat gluten are morons. Dismissal of all medical problems of any kind in either direction.


Of course he had a ton of assists. Under No Child Left Behind, everybody passes.

The US Bobsled team approached GM first, but their solution was to put a bigger engine in it.

Then they asked Ford for help, but the design they came back with had a solid beam axle in the back, for some reason.

Chrysler's sled design was also a complete failure, as it looked exactly like the last gold medal sleigh,