

Debates are about reason. Fights are about opinion, and built out of insults. Look, there's obviously a value judgment in your original statement. "Enemies that run to their deaths rather than trying to survive does not cut it for me" is a mischaracterization of the thing that the other guy was advocating, and a

Dawg, what you were doing is exactly fighting. You said, and I'm trying to paraphrase it into the most basic form here: "We disagree, because I prefer capable AI because I have a lot of experience gaming." Now, the obvious implication contained therein is this: "You like dumb AI because you are not as good at games as

Why are you so pissy? Also, I don't know why it escapes you that there's a distinction being drawn between 'well-designed' and 'extremely capable' AI.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but what a douchey comment.

Yeah, she had to go to a surgeon and get butt implants. Big whoop.


Only constantly.

Let's break your nose and see whether you get back to the fry station in 10.

Looks like Garnett taught him a thing or two about screen-setting.

504. Getting hit by a car, knocked into a coma, and building your own bunker during your coma-dream.

That's a fair point, choosing to act on it, but it's taking the conversation in the wrong direction. It's not wrong for her to act on it. Unlike certain other... sex-things, acting on her fetish doesn't hurt anyone else, which is why people might not be down if you critique her for it.

Does that not strike you as faulty? "I do what I want, but I feel like someone else should have the authority to prevent everyone else from doing the things I do."

Well, I'd definitely take a 20% pay increase if it meant a 20% hour decrease. Same money, less time, sure.

But... it's stupid? Just saying "No American dairy products!" doesn't mean that denying their entry is totally fine.

Okay, Britta.

Next, official Jez twitter account retweets only Hmong people for a year, to widespread disdain.

Perfectly said.

That stinks.

I'm a kniiiiiife! Kniiiifin' around. cutcutcutcutcutcutcut.