
Just to be clear, you're saying that, in certain domains (nannying), we should strive to prevent people with better training (which, yes, is closely tied to privileged upbringings) from getting highly valued jobs, because we don't like the fact that less-privileged people will be pushed out?

In the older Grand Theft Autos and in many of the games that copied Rockstar's open-world formula, a player got around by running around or by making their character run up to any car or truck idling in traffic or parked on the side of the road and jack it. In the new game, there's a third option. The player can hop

Yeah, fuckit! Let's just convict people based on what we think photos of them might indicate.

Think of it this way: Your friend's friend, say his name is Martin, and I were at a bar. He was too drunk, and he was saying a bunch of terrible racist shit. I got a few bits of it on tape. Now I'm going around telling everyone what a fucking racist POS you are, and how you and your friend have been trying to protect

The report conveniently neglects to mention what's happening to the immigrant women who're being forced out of a relatively well-paid field that often doesn't require documentation: how can they compete? Slate's Katy Waldman points this out, noting that "the kids themselves might be just as well off with a career

You want outrage, ask why the lone survivor of the 1963 church bombing cannot get compensation like the survivors of the 9-11 attacks did.

I know, Money (clicks) Over Everything, but can we maybe grow up and start being a little more articulate?

I'm just curious, what the fuck does "inspected by the USDA 22 times since 2001" mean? Because that sounds like a routine kind of process for an exotic animal rental farm (I have no idea what to call that business). Now, if the word was 'investigated', I'd be a little more concerned, but 'inspection' sounds like the

Maybe you should be a little smarter about how you determine what constitutes a basis for 'faith in humanity'?

sitting at your desks and typing comments is meaningless.

Fuck off dogg the bright side doesn't get clicks like digging through twitter for idiots

Check the "You're gonna die soon" video further up the page, pal.

Did she have writers for this? That's awful, and not because it's offensive. I know her shtick is offensive and childish. But christ, that's like straight out of a 12-year old's head.

Because Totally Biased is a fucking awful show with a pandering, awful host who wants to be seen as a hot-button political comic but whose talents lie in making obvious statements about injustice and then waiting for laughs, because he's telling it like it is.

Madd pageviews, dogg!

Classic faux-menist response: "Sure, maybe they could avoid that, but insults directed towards straight white men are never as damaging or wrong as jokes about women, because straight white men have more power in our society"

They've been doing that for at least 20 years.

Jesus dude, you give being a fan a worse name.

My god, can we please grow up a little and stop addressing the people whose points of view we're arguing with as though they read our articles?

And buying and selling stocks (most of which don't pay a dividend!) is what makes an economy function...