
What's the criteria for 'best' here?

Bullshit! I never said that I was well-meaning or white.

I'm curious what people would think of a Japanese person, living in Japan, who dressed up like Chuck Berry. If you're not part of the system that created the kind of blackface we're thinking about, is it inherently offensive?

I'm not trying to troll, this is an earnest question from someone who doesn't have a great vantage point on the blackface situation:

(Troll post about fat people taking up 1.5 seats.)

Word salad is classic fringe-idiot style. Some people really don't understand the way in which the type and order of the words one uses add to the meaning of a sentence; they only get that certain 2- or 3-word chunks of language hold meaning, so they just jam them all together like that. Remember how bizarre Sarah

Oh don't deny it! You know you'd be knee-deep in Donkey-dick just like the rest of us!

It's pronounced "de-yay-mons".

I am love to be surprised of slutty Cyrus.

Dang, I misread the headline as "Miss New York accused of calling America 'Fat-As-Fuck'", and I was all revved up to come in and agree.


You suck.

So... some workout posters are stupid and poorly worded, which we see as irresponsible because it might lead to people harming themselves because everyone takes motivational poster advice as the fuckin' gospel, so let's make motivational posters for ingesting fun, delicious poison!

Easy clicks, no work, free money.

Can two people rape each other at the same time?

God does hate fags, after all.

Having sex with an intoxicated woman is to rape

And how do we treat her "3-4 shots"?

Did they stick Virtua Tennis inside GTAV?
