Yeah, you sound incredibly secure with your micropenis, else why would you have mentioned your micropenis in a discussion theretofore lacking in talk of penises micro and otherwise?
Yeah, you sound incredibly secure with your micropenis, else why would you have mentioned your micropenis in a discussion theretofore lacking in talk of penises micro and otherwise?
And, not to disagree with the actual substance here, but how often were people gushing about how attractive John Candy or Chris Farley were?
Lifting the pivot foot alone does not constitute a travel; a player may pass, shoot, or request a timeout in that position. It is a travel once the foot is returned to the floor, or if a dribble is started.
I know that TV news-types like their celebrity twitter comments, and I know that people are said to enjoy Ron-Ron's antics, but what the fuck was that?
Well, you sure had that one chambered and ready to fire...
Definitely going in my 2012-13 NBA Playoffs Scrap/Fap-book, next to Tayshaun's dunk, Curry's 22 point quarter, and Nate Robinson.
2k11's still the best one, but the fuckers decided (reasonably) to take down the servers.
Well, you could be tried, it's just really unlikely that anyone would convict you.
I believe in this situation it's actually on you to demonstrate that pizza is irrelevant.
The problem with both statements is in the totality that they (wrongly) posit.
No, you fucking idiot.
Because you're acting simple.
Always loved the way Shangri-La, Australia, and She Bought a Hat Like Princess Marina jump styles on a dime.
Videos that won't play on Deadspin DUAN.
Bubbie's kosher dills. Very garlicky.
Through that lens, this makes a lot more sense, and I was probably wrong earlier.
You, sir or madam, are the dumbest.
That's my job*.