
Somehow I don't think that's the whole story...

In other words, “please change your policy so that sweet children don’t die for no reason.”

Well, so do I, but that doesn't mean I just go around acting like... wait, I do go around acting like I'm the son of God (having inherited the seat when Johnny Cash passed away), so what do I know.

Well, I respect the effort in the face of utterly intractable proof to the contrary, I guess. But Sarah Palin et al. do plenty of mental gymnastics, and I sure as hell don't respect that.

Please do not recommend this post unless it actually lands on top of annotation 6.

Please explain soulbinders. I tried searching, but it's all MMORPG shit.

I'm just trying to put the stupid annotation marker on top of this other one because whoever put up the other one did that first and it irks me.

But 4 year-olds aren't as oblivious and as stupid as some people seem to think.

Dammit, missed again.

"She thought she had a flat tire and wanted her tire looked at, but she did not have a flat tire,” he said, adding that the woman’s business card indicated that she was a stripper.

You're not, and your point about the girlfriend needs repeating. The author (and the rest of the commenters) are just missing their moral compasses.

It's just the lack of whites.

Dead eyes.

The major benefits of a cast-iron pan? No creepy teflon coating to worry about ingesting. You can be rough with a cast-iron, you can use it in the oven (though there's probably a temperature that'll start to turn your precious plasticized fat into stinky smoke), and you can let it get hot enough to actually sear

The one that really gets me is the Pacers-Knicks series. It felt so obvious that the Pacers could do everything Boston did and more, and since the Knicks had such a rough time with Boston, it seemed obvious they'd get mowed over by a team that was better than the Celtics on both sides of the ball.

Shut up Hollins! We might not even re-sign you, because actually you're a poop-for-brains and I rule computers!

So... for all your science talk (and all the time you've spent responding), you won't post any evidence, and you keep citing your own anecdata.

The hilarious part of all this is that this is actually theadlerian freaking out on a meth-binge and he's super-sloshed.

Uh... I'm pretty sure we have at least two kinds of things that are closer to Tuck Everlasting, whether you're looking at it as an object or a character.