Ah! No wonder all my cogent and clever posts regarding other people's flaws, faulty logic and dumb faces keep disappearing.
It might not have been on ESPN, but the Spurs @ Heat game was pretty goddamned entertaining.
As much as I want the Spurs to win, I want to see how the Heat's defensive setup is going to work on Pop's sets, what with the passing and the constant motion.
"No no no!"
Wait... those are comedians?
I've been on the Bamford bus since the Comedians of Comedy thing (that's not that long, I know, I'm not trying to show my cred), but she's one of the worst parts of the new Arrested Development, and that's not a knock on her.
I've been Pizza Muling slices all over this country. Hard work.
Haha! I was talking about his mouth, but I like your explanation about the eye.
As a matter of fact I was.
Except that she's doing it based on one stupid list by one stupid guy, AND she's doing it wrong.
Y'know... statistically, white men are, what, 35% percent of the population? And since women and non-whites are more likely to be in favor of things conservatives dislike, this isn't really that out there.
Y'know, I've got Emily's phone number if you want a date:
I've got Emily's phone number if you want to give her a call:
I like how the underlying idea here takes away people's agency.
I'm pretty sure it's trolling, but I can't tell if it's garden-variety "I'm just saying shit to make you mad" or if it's a "Nice Guy" who's ticked off.