Right. Heterosexual, cisgendered, happily married man in his 30's who definitely felt the, "Every girl's friend, no girl's boyfriend," shit in high school/college.
Right. Heterosexual, cisgendered, happily married man in his 30's who definitely felt the, "Every girl's friend, no girl's boyfriend," shit in high school/college.
Not that weird, considering we have contact plungers
I'll skip the part where I say I cried happy tears over this and go straight to an Italian The Voice primer:
As the Supreme Court prepares to rule on the legality of private corporations denying women reproductive autonomy…
This is a thing I understand and struggle with. Where is the line between helpful and overbearing, even patronizing? It took me years to learn when to just shut the fuck up and let people handle themselves.
Good for Hodor! His comments remind me of Kevin Murphy of Mystery Science Theater 3000, when told he was something of a pinup in the Bear community: "My dice don't happen to roll that way, but it's nice to know that if they did, there's be someone there to pick them up."
I'm not going to pull any punches: I'm a size 16 and have the money to spend. WTF won't you take my money? Why should I be forced to purchase online? Do you think I'm too fat to want to actually try on clothes before I buy them? I'm forced into Talbot Woman (big bucks there) and other high end stores. I worry…
Marriage is actually about appeasing Walder Frey and keeping the passage of the Crossing open for your army.
While personally as a Brit I view the whole circumcision thing with bafflement (like take a step back from religion . . then why the fuck would you chop of random bits of flesh?) I am more angry about the suggestion that there is just as much equal legitimate debate to be had about vaccines as there is the…
Just an excuse to post this (from "The Groove Tube") ...
No reason why they can't look abroad to some of the fine American Schools...
The Newstatesman did it better.
It really tied the rink together.
Did you get your $10,000 bounty up front, or is Jezebel sending the check in the mail?
Before taking my toys and going home*, I just wanted to give a small explanation for what's going on, especially since a lot of the media coverage on this has consulted medical ethicists who are all saying that the hospital is misreading the law, because artificial ventilation and other supportive measures are for…
Sorry I just need to get this out: can we talk about the way racist exclusions of non-white people is perpetuated in the media?
First: you have a whole bunch of traditional books,films, comics, tv shows and other media created for white people by white people using all white characters and white history to tell their…