
Congrats on your engagement. Also relevant, on my wedding date 4/30/2011, there was a zombie pub crawl in that neighborhood in Chicago the same evening. So as I was having the family pictures taken in front of the Swedish American Museum, across the street there were zombies going from bar to bar. I really wanted

Well, my take on it is that if he didn't plan to get his shit done, then he should've just taken the pity C or whatever. Own up to the screw-up and learn from it.

Sean Penn is such an asshole. I will never forgive him for what he did to Buttercup. That is all.

I agree, but there's totally a difference between telling your kids "HEY, NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THAT" and telling them that they're preying on poor men who want nothing else but to be pure but now you've shown them underpants.

I was going to be a dad with my former fiancee until we found out, around 20 weeks, that our baby wasn't developing properly and that he would likely never survive to term, much less survive for long after birth. Do these "pro-life" folks think that by forcing the woman I loved and I to have to watch her belly grow,

I'm really sorry, Olgi, but your bicycle's been stolen. I was watching it for you til you came back in the fall. Guess I didn't do such a good job after all.

I'm super forgetful too, so I went for the Nuvaring. I only have to remember to pop it in once a month, which is nice. But the hormones are too much for some women. I'm lucky, I think.

One other thing- I'm a recovering alcoholic with 15 years sobriety. Alcoholism is so black & white- either you're sober or not. EDs can be such slippery slopes- there are ways that people can justify their behavior, such as "It's healthy to run 10 miles a day!" or "I'm on a juice cleanse!", or "Kale is a super food,

I was 14 years old and went to the beach in my new bikini. My friend Kristina was in a bikini too, and was one of those girls who looked older and far better in a bikini than a 14 year old should. She had the sort of flat stomached, tiny waisted, small breasted body that fashion models have, and was taller than me by

I can related to this on so many levels, and it's heartbreaking.

Dude was my greyhound Gabe's nickname. I lost him in Feb 2012, and I miss him a lot. He was my 4th dog and my 3rd greyhound, and is my forever Dude. (And yes, I'm starring my own comment, because Dude.)

A tool that is rarely used isn't necessarily a tool that is never used. I don't use my tap-and-die set very often, but when I strip out the treads in the bottom of an aluminum engine block, I'm very, very happy to own those tools. Same with the A/C clutch puller, cooling system pressure tester, the 7mm Allen wrench

Because tax dollars are used to subsidize the American foods system's over production of soy, corn, and wheat so that these things can be sold at essentially valueless prices to in turn subsidize the profits of processed food retailers who target value-minded american consumers unaware that the food they just bought 6

There's actually a lot more going on here than the article says. The main metabolic problem in obesity is that adipocytes (fat cells) actually swell to the point where they exceed the diffusion radius of the surrounding capillaries, and so they become hypoxic (not enough oxygen). Mitochondria need oxygen to generate

Yzma is the best Disney villain - nay, CHARACTER - of all time. There, I said it.

As someone who's lost 70 pounds solely through cutting down on food intake, there are many many things that taste better than being thin(ner) feels. They're probably the reason I can't drop the last 10 pounds I want to lose. But I'd rather stay one pants size larger than not eat pizza or ice cream or apple pie.

There's nothing like the disappointed sigh of "you have such a pretty face" with the unspoken subtext of "and you're wasting it on being fat". Or is that just my mother?

I mean, is the gear-shift in a different place in Saudi Arabian cars?

Totally not relevant, but just me looking for an excuse to post this amazing photo.