Being frugal is how people with money continue to have money.
As a child, we got very little chocolate and a couple of small gift items. Sidewalk chalk was a perennial favorite, and there were usually a couple of books, plus a single toy maybe. My parents never spent much, and what they bought was often a better alternative to candy.
He should be twelve and his eyes should be blue. The book made a big deal about light eyes being special, and that always annoyed me as a brown-eyed child.
I had an insightful comment, but my phone ate it.
That's just awful. If you think someone is misgendered or you're uncertain, you need to keep your damn mouth shut unless you're actively being threatened.
Sometimes, a mob is good protection. Especially in a terrible college bar on ladies night, when the place is full of predators looking for drink coeds, women band together to protect their own.
Unfortunately, I cannot be there every time she needs to pee in public (especially now that we live on opposite sides of the country). I am glad that she got to the point where she was not at risk of her bladder bursting before she found a safe restroom, but I wish this weren't an issue.
When a friend of mine was first transitioning, the ladies' room was one of her biggest fears. If we went out with friends, all the girls would have to go to the bathroom together. Frequently, "all the girls" just meant her and me, because she felt strongly that my presence made it much less likely that anyone would…
I've done this as well. On the way out, I shrugged nonchalantly and noted, "The line was shorter."
I have. I knew girls in college like that. It was less that they were bisexual and more that that they were... I'm having trouble coming up with a way of saying this that isn't negative.
Gee, so did my dad. I read it and told him all the things that were wrong with it, and he was annoyed with me.
Sometimes, you have to face the atrocities in your own life. You have to acknowledge the history of your family and your people. You can't whitewash history because it makes you feel uncomfortable.
Here in southern Louisiana, the universities are closed for 2 days because of the cold. It's going to rain, and all the bridges will freeze, and it will be impossible to travel because of iced bridges and raised roadways.
Oh man, I wish they had plus sizes. My sister is absolutely obsessed with curling.
For me, chair covers are part of the package. Probably so that the facility can hide their ugly damaged chairs. So I am not paying for them as an additional expense, but if I saw their chairs uncovered, I might want to.
Have you ever met a trans woman? Have you ever known anyone who went through this? Are you familiar with the vulnerability a trans woman faces, especially as she begins her transition?
I was raised Catholic. I don't consider myself so anymore. Mostly, it's because of all of the Sundays I spent in a pew, listening to a priest go on and on about things that were wholly irrelevant to my life.
I would agree that it is insulting. I think it would be disrespectful to mark any holy book as fiction, no matter one's religious leanings.