Very well-said. Full of heart and common sense, too.
Very well-said. Full of heart and common sense, too.
YES. Exactly. Thank you so much for posting this. I want to just copy + paste this as my response whenever anyone asks my thoughts on GMO's. Also, Khal Drogo is my number one Game of Thrones crush and it is now my life's mission to find his Whole Foods twin. ;)
Sadly, I'd guess that most Lou Dobbs and Erik Erickson supporters are reacting to this by wondering why Fox News is letting the pretty blonde girl make their penises sad.
From a physicist to a biologist: thanks for injecting some actual science into the discussion. Your comment rules!
If you showed up at my door wielding an ax I would call you oh dominant one.
I'm a biologist, (but I work on bugs) so my objection to the way GMOs are being handled is less to do with concern about organic-ness and such, and more to do with caution about the process of creating and distributing GMOs under cover of patents and non disclosure. We SHOULD be asking lots of questions about GMOs,…
Heathers aside, Dita is a real beauty and would probably be just as lovely in any "look" she decided to pursue. I like the 40's thing on her, though.
She has outHeathered the entire cast of Heathers.
The love child of Jenny Garth and Christina Applegate.
... I blame you for this.
"Hi, my name is Camel toe, and I'm here to teach you how to camel toe" is all I got from this.
My first thought when opening this article was "NIPPLES!"
Sharon Tate was also in the movie "Rosemary's Baby", the book of which Sally was reading when that scary "Grandma Ida" lady robbed the Draper's in the previous episode.